Their coping mechanism is to turn to entertainment or other lighter fare. On June 26, 1997, the United States Supreme Court in Reno v. American Civil Liberties Union, 521 U.S. 844 (1997), issued a sweeping reaffirmation of core First Amendment principles and held that communications over the Internet deserve the highest level of Constitutional protection. The success of Donald Trump will be a flaming signal that this strategy works, alongside the variety of technologies now in development (and early deployment) that can exacerbate this problem. There are multiple information streams, public and private, that spread this information online. Edited by Martin Garnarand Trina Magi with ALA Office for Intellectual Freedom unclear because of which communication issue? A. are the most complex type of firewall B. seldom examine the data or the addresses of the message C. can filter both inbound and outbound traffic D. examine the destination address but not the source address E. can examine the contents of VPN packets 26) Which of the following statements is TRUE about the Which of the following statements about filtering information is accurate? These benefits are not amenable to technological resolution as they are social, political and cultural in nature. Filtering enables people to get the most accurate picture of a situation. Like all resources and services provided by the library, provision of access to digital resources and services should follow the principles outlined in the Library Bill of Rights to ensure equitable access regardless of content or platform. Some chose to have their names connected to their answers; others opted to respond anonymously. A large number of respondents said the interests of the most highly motivated actors, including those in the worlds of business and politics, are generally not motivated to fix the proliferation of misinformation. This has been referred to as the weaponization of public narratives. Starr Roxanne Hiltz, An executive consultant based in North America wrote, It comes down to motivation: There is no market for the truth. The average man or woman in America today has less knowledge of the underpinnings of his or her daily life than they did 50 or a hundred years ago. Which of the following process helps in Image enhancement? But it seems the default choice when reading replies to a post is "Top Comments" which is filtered to keep your sensitive eyes from reading anything deemed false or distasteful. When you communicate only a portion of the information available in order to. They noted that misinformation and bad actors have always existed but have eventually been marginalized by smart people and processes. ", Internet Filtering: An Interpretation of the Library Bill of Rights, Internet Filtering: An Interpretation of the Library Bill of Rights(2015). More subtly, its presence on the newsstand reminded everyone that anything can be printed., Joshua Hatch, president of the Online News Association, noted, Im slightly optimistic because there are more people who care about doing the right thing than there are people who are trying to ruin the system. Filters often block adults and minors from accessing a wide range of constitutionally protected speech. By Deborah Caldwell Stone published in American Libraries, Minors' First Amendment Rights: CIPA and School Libraries (2010) The more a given source is attributed to fake news, the lower it will sit in the credibility tree. $45.84$34.38\$45.84 - \$34.38 In 2012, Facebook, Google and others had no incentive to pay attention to the problem. It is a social condition, like crime, that you must constantly monitor and adjust to. Speech can be regulated in certain venues, but obviously not in all. What barrier is facing Martin in this scenario? What Is Data Cleaning and Why Does It Matter? - CareerFoundry Children's Internet Protection Act For instance, Christian H. Huitema, former president of the Internet Architecture Board, commented, The quality of information will not improve in the coming years, because technology cant improve human nature all that much.. An analysis of misinformation from five samples across the United States, Europe, and Mexico showed that substantial portions of each populationanywhere from 15% to 37%believed misinformation about COVID-19 in April and May 2020, representing what the authors call a "major threat to public health.". Like email spam, this problem can never entirely be eliminated, but it can be managed., Sandro Hawke, technical staff at the World Wide Web Consortium, predicted, Things are going to get worse before they get better, but humans have the basic tools to solve this problem, so chances are good that we will. Amy just met with her boss, James, who praised her for her hard work and record-, setting sales for the past year. Given that there is freedom of speech, I wonder how the situation can ever improve. These are the main causes of the deterioration of a public domain of shared facts as the basis for discourse and political debate., Kenneth Sherrill, professor emeritus of political science at Hunter College, City University of New York, predicted, Disseminating false rumors and reports will become easier. Jack. B) The late selection filter because it allows for higher-order information to be processed even if physically irrelevant. Educated or not, no one wants to be a dummy all the wrong connotations. Here youll find research-based safety tips, parents guidebooks, advice, news, and commentary on all aspects of tech use and policy. If readers do not change or improve their ability to seek out and identify reliable information sources, the information environment will not improve., Ella Taylor-Smith, senior research fellow at the School of Computing at Edinburgh Napier University, noted, As more people become more educated, especially as digital literacy becomes a popular and respected skill, people will favour (and even produce) better quality information., Constance Kampf, a researcher in computer science and mathematics, said, The answer depends on socio-technical design these trends of misinformation versus verifiable information were already present before the internet, and they are currently being amplified. Anonymous project leader for a science institute. for Library Service to Children (ALSC), Assn. Featured Speakers: Doug Archer, Bob Bocher, Deborah Caldwell-Stone, Jamie LaRue, Michael Robinson Why would her boss suggest this? Issues of trustable information are certainly important, especially since the technological intelligentsia command a number of tools to combat untrustable info. A distinguished professor emeritus of political science at a U.S. university wrote, Misinformation will continue to thrive because of the long (and valuable) tradition of freedom of expression. Now, from the given options we can say that option A is correct because it matches the description we have above about Content based filtering. We will have to evolve new tools for authentication and verification. Filtered vs. Unfiltered: What do these terms mean? These regulatory and legal options may not be politically possible to affect within the U.S., but they are certainly possible in Europe and elsewhere, especially if fake news is shown to have an impact on European elections., Sally Wentworth, vice president of global policy development at the Internet Society, warned against too much dependence upon information platform providers in shaping solutions to improve the information environment. Solving this problem will require larger changes in society., A number of respondents mentioned market capitalism as a primary obstacle to improving the information environment. Information is only as reliable as the people who are receiving it. Capabilities and Limits of Automated Multimedia Content Analysis (2021) Several longer additional sets of responses tied to these themes follow that summary. Those trying to stop the spread of false information are working to design technical and human systems that can weed it out and minimize the ways in which bots and other schemes spread lies and misinformation. High conflict. B) 50 objects including blue squares and yellow circles. The reason is simply that advertising revenue has been untethered from news production., With precarious funding and shrinking audiences, healthy journalism that serves the common good is losing its voice. PLEASE HELP!!!!Which of the following statements about - Brainly To get to the SQL statements, I simply scroll down on the ABAP Statistics Record Screen to the SQL Statements section. It is being replaced by social media, where there are few if any moral or ethical guidelines or constraints on the performance of informational roles., A project leader for a science institute commented, We live in an era where most people get their news via social media and it is very easy to spread fake news. These are the bedrock institutions much of the public has relied upon for objective, verified, reliable information information undergirded by ethical standards and a general goal of serving the common good. C) Turning around and looking at the person in the library who just turned their music on full blast. Bart Knijnenburg, researcher on decision-making and recommender systems and assistant professor of computer science at Clemson University, said, Two developments will help improve the information environment: 1) News will move to a subscription model (like music, movies, etc.) Retired professor, An educator commented, Creating a reliable, trusted, unhackable verification system would produce a system for filtering and hence structuring of content. Our brains are not wired to contend with the pace of technological change: These respondents said the rising speed, reach and efficiencies of the internet and emerging online applications will magnify these human tendencies and that technology-based solutions will not be able to overcome them. A) The late selection filter because it does not filter out irrelevant physical information before it has been processed in terms of its physical significance. Which one of the following statements on Filtering and Sorting is true? It must also elevate information literacy to be a primary goal of education, Theme 1: The information environment will not improve. C) It assumes unattended information is completely filtered out, with no further processing. Being banned from social media is one obvious one. He recently read a memo from one department presenting a new, idea for a product. B. Filters create fields that describe the remaining data. Most respondents who expect the environment to worsen said human nature is at fault. For the environment to improve, we need substantial improvements in education systems across the world in relation to critical thinking, social literacy, information literacy, and cyberliteracy (see Laura Guraks book Cyberliteracy)., Su Sonia Herring, an editor and translator, commented, Misinformation and fake news will exist as long as humans do; they have existed ever since language was invented. ), Deloitte Risk Services, Synthesis Report: Test and benchmark of products and services to voluntarily filter Internet content for children between 6 and 16 years, 2008 (Prepared for the European Union's Safer Internet plus Programme), Internet Filters: A Public Policy Report (2006) Some said they expect some other systematic and social changes will alter things. Young people are growing into a world where those skills are not being taught., Julia Koller, a learning solutions lead developer, replied, Information is only as reliable as the people who are receiving it. The rights of minors to retrieve, interact with, and create information posted on the Internet in schools and libraries are extensions of their First Amendment rights. They cited several reasons: They said these factors and others make it difficult for many people in the digital age to create and come to share the type of common knowledge that undergirds better and more-responsive public policy. Which of the following correctly outlines the type of processing and effect on target detection? byAndrew K. Przybylski and Victoria Nash, published inCyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, The Inconsistent Work of Web Filters: Mapping Information Access in Alabama Public Schools and Libraries (2017) Information filtering system - Wikipedia (+1) 202-857-8562 | Fax What is a fact? Misinformation is not like a plumbing problem you fix. B) Contextual features associated with particular stimuli or experiences help us predict outcomes when we encounter such cues in the future. By Theresa Chmara published in AASL's Knowledge Quest, Internet Filtering (2010) Misinformation is not like a plumbing problem you fix. Content filtering is used by corporations as part of Internet firewall computers and also by home . See spam as an analog., Some predicted that digital distributed ledger technologies, known as blockchain, may provide some answers. understand why people do what they do identify how to motivate employees. Content-based filtering. United States v. American Library Association,539 U.S. 194 (2003)Legal Briefs filed in United States v. American Library Association (CIPA Before the Supreme Court). Adam Lella, Larry Diamond, senior fellow at the Hoover Institution and the Freeman Spogli Institute (FSI) at Stanford University, said, I am hopeful that the principal digital information platforms will take creative initiatives to privilege more authoritative and credible sources and to call out and demote information sources that appear to be propaganda and manipulation engines, whether human or robotic. We apply that same logic to experts and sources quoted in stories. Center for Democracy and Technology, Internet Filtering and Adolescent Exposure to Online Sexual Material(2018) As per chegg rules and regulatio. The audiences typically are looking for information that fits their belief systems, so it is a really tough problem.. ", Electronic Frontier Foundation When things are added to the catalogue, the item cold-start problem occurs when they have no or very few interactions. Which of the following uses top-down processing to best explain Connie's sudden shift in attention? Theme 1: The information environment will not improve: The problem is human nature Theme 2: The information environment will not improve because technology will create new challenges that can't or won't be countered effectively and at scale Theme 3: The information environment will improve because technology will help label, filter or ban misinformation and thus upgrade the public's . A leading internet pioneer who has worked with the FCC, the UNs International Telecommunication Union (ITU), the General Electric Co. (GE) and other major technology organizations commented, The internet-as-weapon paradigm has emerged., Dean Willis, consultant for Softarmor Systems, commented, Governments and political groups have now discovered the power of targeted misinformation coupled to personalized understanding of the targets. Filtering can be applied to columns but not rows. Now that the issue is visible as a clear and urgent danger, activists and people who see a business opportunity will begin to focus on it. Pew Research Center does not take policy positions. Governments and organizations are major actors in this space., An anonymous respondent said, Actors can benefit socially, economically, politically by manipulating the information environment. Lying is a powerful way to do that. Which of the following correctly outlines a limitation to Broadbent's single filter model? Filtering can be applied to columns but not rows. Who holds them accountable for the decisions they make on behalf of all of us? Second, information related to the product's known as an item vector. However, James has chosen to not mention her, inattention to detail and her habit of coming into the office late. Understanding Communication Chapter 3.1- 3.17 Q &A Homework Help.docx, 58. Which of the following outlines an advantage of inhibition of return? An emeritus professor of communication for a U.S. Ivy League university noted, We have lost an important social function in the press. also see thesummary and links to individual reports. Jamais Cascio, distinguished fellow at the Institute for the Future, noted, The power and diversity of very low-cost technologies allowing unsophisticated users to create believable alternative facts is increasing rapidly. These experts predicted that the problem of misinformation will be amplified because the worst side of human nature is magnified by bad actors using advanced online tools at internet speed on a vast scale. True False QUESTION 2 Irani's position on commodity businesses was, Dorian is having trouble with her team. Information provided by the ALA Advocacy and Public Policy Office. That means the continuing bifurcation of haves and have-nots, when it comes to trusted news and information., An anonymous editor and publisher commented, Sadly, many Americans will not pay attention to ANY content from existing or evolving sources. Technology is driving this issue, but the fix isnt a technical one alone., Mike DeVito, graduate researcher at Northwestern University, wrote, These are not technical problems; they are human problems that technology has simply helped scale, yet we keep attempting purely technological solutions. We use what we know of statistics and probability to compartment uncertainty. In a spatial cueing paradigm, the target appears shortly after the cue, and equally often in both cued and uncued locations at random on the left and right sides. Which of the following statements regarding the relationship between conflict and performance is true? A) Reaction time Even among highly intelligent people, there is a significant growth in personal specialization in order to trim the boundaries of expected expertise to manageable levels. CHECKPOINT QUESTION Which of the following statements about filtering information is accurate? Which one of the following statements on Filtering and Sorting is true? And many others., Leah Lievrouw, professor in the department of information studies at the University of California, Los Angeles, observed, So many players and interests see online information as a uniquely powerful shaper of individual action and public opinion in ways that serve their economic or political interests (marketing, politics, education, scientific controversies, community identity and solidarity, behavioral nudging, etc.). and subscription providers will have a vested interest in culling down false narratives; 2) Algorithms that filter news will learn to discern the quality of a news item and not just tailor to virality or political leaning., In order to reduce the spread of fake news, we must deincentivize it financially. Anonymous survey participants also responded: A number of respondents believe there will be policy remedies that move beyond whatever technical innovations emerge in the next decade. But some of these experts said the recent major successes by misinformation manipulators have created a threatening environment in which many in the public are encouraging platform providers and governments to expand surveillance. Filtering can be applied to rows but not columns. Martin is the financial director of a small business. Julia Koller, Karen Mossberger, professor and director of the School of Public Affairs at Arizona State University, wrote, The spread of fake news is not merely a problem of bots, but part of a larger problem of whether or not people exercise critical thinking and information-literacy skills. A growing fraction of the population has neither the skills nor the native intelligence to master growing complexity, and in a competitive social environment, obligations to help our fellow humans go unmet. There is too much incentive to spread disinformation, fake news, malware and the rest. When you query table information, you can filter records with the WHERE clause to extract only those records that fulfill a specific expression. . Information consumers, fed up with false narratives, will increasingly shift toward more-trusted sources, resulting in revenue flowing toward those more trusted sources and away from the junk. Each can have real facts, but it is the facts that are gathered that matter in coming to a conclusion; who will determine what facts will be considered or what is even considered a fact., A research assistant at MIT noted, Fake and true are not as binary as we would like, and combined with an increasingly connected and complex digital society its a challenge to manage the complexity of social media without prescribing a narrative as truth., An internet pioneer and longtime leader at ICANN said, There is little prospect of a forcing factor that will emerge that will improve the truthfulness of information in the internet., A vice president for stakeholder engagement said, Trust networks are best established with physical and unstructured interaction, discussion and observation. I (still) trust the longstanding principle of free speech: The best cure for offensive speech is MORE speech. Governor Mifflin School District And Filtering Of LGBT Online Content, Franks v. Metropolitan Board of Public Education. Recorded: September 15, 2016, Championing Internet Access for Students on Banned Websites Awareness Day. People tend to filter downward communication more than upward communication. Some predicted better methods will arise to create and promote trusted, fact-based news sources. kindly thumbs up for the solution. Yes, of course. Messages can now be tailored with devastating accuracy. There are a lot of rich and unethical people, politicians, non-state actors and state actors who are strongly incentivized to get fake information out there to serve their selfish purposes. If there is a great amount of pressure from the industry to solve this problem (which there is), then methodologies will be developed and progress will be made In other words, if theres a will, theres way. Even if there are more positive aspects than negative in a situation or person,. A ________ is a persistent conversation between different programs on different computers. They are like biomedical or nuclear technology firms absent any ethics rules or ethics training or philosophy. These resources are provided for those interested in learning more about the operation and effectiveness of filtering software. O Sorting can be applied to rows but not columns. The legal climate for security research will continue to improve, as its connection to national security becomes increasingly obvious. Low conflict leads to high performance. There were also those among these expert respondents who said inequities, perceived and real, are at the root of much of the misinformation being produced. I believe the outrage resulting from recent events will, on balance, lead to a net improvement, but viewed with hindsight, the improvement may be viewed as inadequate. The existence of clickbait sites make it easy for conspiracy theories to be rapidly spread by people who do not bother to read entire articles, nor look for trusted sources. ", NetSmartz for ParentsandNetSmartz for KidsNational Center for Missing & Exploited Children, 2001-2015. Technological advancements and civil-awareness efforts will yield varied ways to continuously purge misinformation from it, to keep it reasonably reliable., An author and journalist based in North America said, I believe this era could spawn a new one a flight to quality in which time-starved citizens place high value on verified news sources., A professor of law at a major U.S. state university commented, Things wont get better until we realize that accurate news and information are a public good that require not-for-profit leadership and public subsidy., Marc Rotenberg, president of the Electronic Privacy Information Center, wrote, The problem with online news is structural: There are too few gatekeepers, and the internet business model does not sustain quality journalism. Many readers recognized it as entertainment, but not all. Mike DeVito, A sociologist doing research on technology and civic engagement at MIT said, Though likely to get worse before it gets better, the 2016-2017 information ecosystem problems represent a watershed moment and call to action for citizens, policymakers, journalists, designers and philanthropists who must work together to address the issues at the heart of misinformation., Michael Zimmer, associate professor and privacy and information ethics scholar at the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee commented, This is a social problem that cannot be solved via technology.. Alejandro Pisanty, a professor at UNAM, the National University of Mexico, and longtime internet policy leader, observed, Overall, at least a part of society will value trusted information and find ways to keep a set of curated, quality information resources. Two rows in a. Its important to note that the goal of these tools is not necessarily to create consistent and believable alternative facts, but to create plausible levels of doubt in actual facts. That money is drying up, and it seems unlikely to be replaced within the next decade., Rich Ling, professor of media technology at the School of Communication and Information at Nanyang Technological University, said, We have seen the consequences of fake news in the U.S. presidential election and Brexit. a.The nominal group technique is a technique used routinely at most meetings. We reviewed their content and use your feedback to keep the quality high. FCC Report and Order 11-125, August 21, 2011 (report and regulations implementing CIPA), CIPA: A Brief FAQ on Public Library Compliance (2012) A) The colours of words cannot be ignored. In other words, if theres a will, theres way.. Many of those who expect the information environment to improve anticipate that information literacy training and other forms of assistance will help people become more sophisticated consumers. Inquiries can be directed via email to or via phone at 800-545-2433, extension 4220. However, a major drawback of ECT is its cognitive side effects. The presence of largescale landlords controlling significant sections of the ecosystem (e.g., Google, Facebook) aids in this counter-response., A professor in technology law at a West-Coast-based U.S. university said, Intermediaries such as Facebook and Google will develop more-robust systems to reward legitimate producers and punish purveyors of fake news., A longtime director for Google commented, Companies like Google and Facebook are investing heavily in coming up with usable solutions. which of the following statements about filtering information is accurate? One cannot apply a filter for more than one column in a cell range. Teaching judgment has always been the solution, and it always will be. What kind of communication error did Sally make? People tend to filter downward communication more than upward communication. Since there are multiple approaches you can take for completing each of these tasks, we'll focus instead on the high-level activities. FROM table_name WHERE expression; The question arises, then: What will happen to the online information environment in the coming decade? A longtime technology editor and columnist based in Europe, commented, The blockchain approach used for Bitcoin, etc., could be used to distribute content. Furthermore, they said technologists will play an important role in helping filter out misinformation and modeling new digital literacy practices for users. Conflict sells, especially to the opposition party, therefore the opposition news agency will be incentivized to push a narrative and agenda. Since as far back as the era of radio and before, as Winston Churchill said, A lie can go around the world before the truth gets its pants on., Michael J. Oghia, an author, editor and journalist based in Europe, said he expects a worsening of the information environment due to five things: 1) The spread of misinformation and hate; 2) Inflammation, sociocultural conflict and violence; 3) The breakdown of socially accepted/agreed-upon knowledge and what constitutes fact. 4) A new digital divide of those subscribed (and ultimately controlled) by misinformation and those who are enlightened by information based on reason, logic, scientific inquiry and critical thinking.