It is not. Since you mentioned it, you ought to buy one for her. That killed the live and chiggers, Angel. If you want to improve the moral of the Army & other services, this would be a good start. Fashion Police: Egypt Arrests Female Influencers Over 'Immoral' Dress, Dalai Lama Apologizes For Asking Young Boy to "Suck His Tongue", School District Bans Bible Verse From Teacher's Email Signature, Bestiality, Incest, Murder? This time the Army declined, but only after Hoskins request made it all the way to the desk of a deputy chief of staff. How is it in 2022 you can actually look at your self in the mirror and acknowledge that you are entirely a narrow minded absolute Biggot. Someone needs to take him out!! And if the enemy doesn't want to fight bearded soldiers, they should all go home, and forget about. The Open Halls Project, an advocacy group for heathens serving in the military, sought to clarify any existing confusion in a 2017 post about beard exemptions. Just because you like transgender does not mean the rest of us have put up with this asinine stupidity!!! I also wonder about your age a bit (or at least your maturity level) due to the name comment. Hoppers exemption is the latest example of the militarys effort most notably the U.S. Army and U.S. Air Force to acknowledge the diverse religious practices represented in its ranks. I got out of the Navy after 4 yrs to go back in the Army. RETIRED CMC USNAVY! I was a draftee who rose to Your not going to let a fellow firefighter die in a burning building because he tried to use his mask with a beard and it failed. Now is not the time to let our awesome military get weak. By March 2021, DiPietro still hadnt heard anything from the Army. Jacob DiPietro filed an official request to grow a beard, arguing that shaving is against his personal religious beliefs. He said he researched for six months because he knew if he was wrong on anything, down to the periods at the ends of the sentences, the Army was going to use that as a reason to deny my request. He finally spoke to his unit chaplain about his decision in November 2019. Do you want to continue? These Cards Might Be Right for You. Kesh, or uncut hair is one of the five religious requirements of baptized Sikhs. In a hand-to-hand battle, anything the little bastard can grab will put you at a disadvantage!. They must be holy until the period of their dedication to the Lord is over; they must let their hair grow long, the Bible says. Abdul Rahman Gaitan waited four years for official approval. Hopefully, someday, we will see the acceptance of beards in the military. Agree 100%! Why should they thats not a life threatening that is a personal choice what do the rest of us get some of us that deserves disability from service but cant get it but they can get a sex change operation that wasnt caused by the military. Conservative Christians arent the only ones asking for accommodation in mailman case, White House appoints new Muslim community liaison, Secular organizers say interfaith spaces should include atheists, nonbelievers, US soccer leagues add game breaks for players fasting during Ramadan, Prayer rug design project aims to highlight Islams diversity in US and Latin America, Copyright 2020, Religion News Service. US Army grants first ever religious exemption to Christian soldier to allow him to keep beard and grow hair long It said hed have to pursue the hair portion of his request separately. for many years. It was also my dad's nickname, and I am proud to carry it. All of those who insist on wearing beards, should be trained to be medics, so its easier for enemy snipers to identify them in combat. The Coast Guard followed suit, banning them in June 1986, according to the service's historical website. Beards are largely banned for military servicemen in the United States, inspiring conversations about dress code among religious members whose religions forbid shaving. The policy had a disproportionate impact on African American service members. Does a mustache or hair make me a better soldier, no, but would help the morale in the services! Official Statement Re: Religious Beard Accommodations in the US Military. You should have shaved this morning." No, go with the new and improved give me, give of the now military. The first person granted a beard waiver in the U.S. Airforce due to his faith was a Muslim soldier. Sikh soldiers, who are bound by their religion. Many things in the air of a burning building can cause cancer, so breathing that in because you can't or won't shave doesn't make a lot of sense. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. The policy change will allow beards, long hair, religious tattoos and turbans to be worn by members in uniform, according to the Department of Defense (DOD) Instruction issued this week. An unlikely boost for the change in the Navys policy came from the Marine Corps. Every transfer of duty station would start a whole thing about when he rotates again and when he was eligible for retirement. To sign that contract with the U.S. gov is fo forever surrender your citizenship, from that moment on you are property of the U.S. and every actual citzen who makes their own way in society rather then selling themselves into slavery for security in the form of food,shelter, medical,dental, and the fraternity of the most well armed militant cult on the Earth. We acknowledge that there are pro-fascist Norse Heathenry groups that promote religious creeds requiring a beard. Effective immediately, the Air Force will allow airmen to grow their mustaches past the width of their lips, but not longer than 1/4 inch beyond a vertical line drawn from the corner of the mouth.. Why should it be any different in the military. First, you chide someone for not liking transgender (that is his opinion) then you attempt to argue a lame argument defending your liberal left wing crap! She covers operations, policy, personnel, leadership and other issues affecting service members. is not going to cut it. Retired SGM. Go out an take a long look at what the look like today. Not to mention the Mexican drug cartel armies. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Its a bittersweet decision since DiPietro says he knows he wouldnt be where I am in life were it not for the Army, and even after everything, he knows he wouldnt change anything., But there are things that I see and I dont like like the way soldiers are treated when they seek an exception to policy while following Army regulation, he explained. In 2019, Sgt. It used to be honor and resect, proud to wear the uniform. I guess AFR 35-10 is now ancient history!!!!! The religious vow he was observing had strict instructions: He was not to cut his hair or beard. US Army allows Christian soldier to wear long hair for religious reasons Its makes me sick that the VA has to pay for transgender surgeries. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. NOW HAVE A GOOD DAY, AND WIPE UP YOUR TEARS BABY! And his wife is currently a colonel, and a nurse who only works in hospitals. nothing any longer. So if it wasn't a problem for them, why should it be for others as long as it did not endanger those around them. His chaplain then passed it to the company commander and first sergeant, who DiPietro said were amazing and supported the request. By clicking Accept All, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. RETIRED CMC USNAVY! Religious beards in the military were allowed in 2017, but the process to be granted that right takes a bit of time. All excuses and no drive/no focus. And as you well know, bearing and appearance affected your APR, which bear heavily on your fit for promotion. His life had been changed, and in the spring of 2019, he prayed to ask God what he could do to recognize what you have done in my life., I want to show my love for you, DiPietro recalled praying. I seriously doubt they have a Walmart in the middle of the jungle to pick up that lice cream. Women service members should have had relaxed hair styles long ago. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. Out of respect to their religion, Sikhs are allowed to grow beards in the Indian army In the armed forces (and police) of India, only Sikhs are allowed to wear beards as their religion expressly requires followers to do so. | That went on for months. My 22 year career, Ive seen this cycle. THEN ENJOY YOUR GAY BUDDIES AND DIE TOGETHER YOUR ARE ONE OF THE REASONS THEY LET GAYS BACK IN THE SERVICE. Some people here really seem confused, and equate being in the military to any other "Job". Because the 2017 directive is technically applicable to all religions, final judgement is often left to individual leadership to discern authentic exemption request from insincere. like not being able to see or even fit a gas mask or other military required eqiptment? It is my humble opinion, times change and that does not mean that they develop as bad soldiers, I understand perfectly the regulations of the armed forces but if we compare it the people who ask for that special permit are minorities and it is clear that it is for matters of faith. If you have a problem with that, then move to a country, where you can have better benefits and freedom. Every soldier needs to be treated as the slaves of the south a mere two centuries ago. Although the Air Force has relaxed their mustache policy, beards are still off limits for airmen. Additionally, the mustache will not go beyond a horizontal line extending across the corners of the mouth and no more than 1/4 inch beyond a vertical line drawn from the corner of the mouth.. Stay ALIVE and healthy. Sikhs dont cut their hair and beards out of respect for the God-given form. Di Liscia had been granted a no-shave chit in 2018 as a morale measure. He joined the Army the same day he turned 18 years old in 2010, about seven years before the service allowed religious exemptions. For you facial hair obsessed supposed professionals you are entirely missing the real issues. He is retired, already done his time, he earned the right to his uniform. Appeal! You intimated that if one endangered only himself, go for it. If blacks don't have that privilege, then whites shouldn't either, period, regardless of their religion. Now if he is a rear echelon desk jockey then that might be a different matter. While we cannot speak to the specifics of any particular case, religious accommodation can be disapproved if it is determined that the request is not based on a sincerely held religious belief or if the accommodation would create a specific hazard that cannot be reasonably mitigated.. Sikhs are allowed to wear beards and turbans because it actually is a religious requirement of their faith that they do so. The new standards for the new soldiers will be what they know and respect. They are not allowed to go out and buy their own. There is no more pride of country, Reimplementing the draft is long overdue. I thought that it was an easy-to-understand thought process. There are many religions that allow beards in the military. If I read the above article correctly, the issue is not about the color of one's skin but the religious affliation of that solideryou seem to believe there are no black christiansIf one religious group does'nt have to shave to honor their god (Muslims) than nobody should have to. Its Airman like you who kept us strong. Earlier this year First Lieutenant Sukhbir Singh Toor, a practicing Sikh, received approval for limited religious accommodation from the Marine Corps for his faith. I have Medicare and Tricare for my prescription that my doctor prescribed.. He is forced to remove his turban and beard whenever assigned to a ceremonial unit, and to shave his beard when deployed and receiving Hostile Fire Pay or Imminent Danger Pay. Im now 64 and if they called me back today, I would go as long as there were real commanders in charge and not one of these WOKE Generals on TV. The flaw in that thinking is that when you do something to endanger yourself, you endanger those around you, especially in firefighting and combat. I Retired with 21 years!!! However, the rest of my hippie hair is long enough to comb over my bald head, and I could hold it down with a bandana. That's why they all use electric razors. Meanwhile, while STILL on active duty, black soldiers with that issue should be given the same consideration and respect as white soldiers to grow a beard without penalties and discrimination. I would appreciatee it very much if I get a response. Dioes VA do that?. Thank you for the compliment and the smile this morning. Pentagon eases rules on waivers for religious grooming I really enjoyed my time. It's been many decades since I was in school, and the kids back then were at least creative about it. The Armys top leadership has been going through pretty much the entire organization with a fine-toothed comb this year, from a new fitness test to a non-deployable policy, and now theyre rolling out some tweaks to the services religious accommodation rules and mandatory training for sexual assault and substance abuse prevention, among others. Army allows soldier to have beard because of his 'Norse Pagan' faith Gaitan notes that growing a beard is a constant reminder of our faith and who we are as Muslims (The Prophet Muhammad was said to have a beard, and it has come to signify a closeness with Allah). . Airmen will also now have more flexibility to wear specific unit patches while assigned to joint organizations. If the beard is trimmed neat n clean whats the problem, its guys like you that keep young men from wanting to serve. It is my personally held belief that growing a beard will bring me closer to my God and bring me into his favor.. Two recent cases one which was approved and one that was disapproved show how each case is unique. Sgt. For these . Braggs must still shave regularly and is asking for a religious exemption. So DiPietro threw himself into research, reading and re-reading every applicable Army regulation before he submitted his request. Finally, in 400 years when they dig your sorry carcass up.guess what? forgot I see the R at the end of your USN so no F you Matte. In 2015, however, the U.S. officially recognized the religion. Why the military doesn't just go with those, I don't know. You know what is required, if you can't do what is required, then you shouldn't be there, I don't care what color you! During my 21 year stay, i must have gotten a ton of these write ups. Would you please loan me 3600 dollors so I can get my wife home I have no credit so could some one help me please 2nd. You should contact your local Veterans Representative (usually at the County/Parish Courthouse), Hell no forget it! Military Services Lighten Up on Facial Hair and Uniforms in New This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Listen to these young people. The army granted him several temporary waivers, but never a permanent one. Of course that was 27 years ago, in the real Navy. They'll gladly gift wrap it, and send it directly to her. BTWthere are plenty of black muslimsnot everything is about color. I know theres some right here in these comments. If prescribed medications are needed to alleviate that problem, then it SHOULD be included as a DISABILITY percentage, and freely given at discharge or retirement, PERIOD! Im still a VETERAN that served my Country.that got the SHAFT!! Soldiers with a religious accommodation may wear a turban or under . That decision would seem to undercut the Navys argument that allowing these sailors to wear beards poses some sort of risk, said Baxter. How about this I dont care if you dont like the fact a fellow vet can now get gender reassigned surgery, really after all we have been through as a nation with all this world pandemic and death of so so many humans and a economic resesion like none before us a yet thats what you choose to bitch about are you fucken kidding me right now?