Costis still enjoys his work at a leading cybersecurity and privacy research institute. Professor Emeritus In 2020 she spent the entire summer in Florida and enjoyed getting together with neighbors who stayed, calling themselves the driveway divas. Normally she goes to her condo in McLean, VA, but living by the ocean I usually had a breezeand the temperature here was the same as the D.C. swamp. Liz is busy with both the opera society and symphony society, plus volunteering as a docent at the art museum. It was a wonderful view of West Campus, the sun setting, small groups sitting on a very green Libe Slope just to see the scene. Herbert Neuman ( writes: 2020 was a tough year. Her biggest takeaway from the pandemic: We can put up with a lot more than we thought we could. The main change for Frances Goldberg Myers involves not eating out in pleasant restaurants or with friends, no opportunities for volunteering, and few socializationsmasks and distancing prevail. When she wrote, she said her last in-person visit was her 90th birthday partya big celebration with 50-plus friends and neighbors. His son, Sage, and his wife, Erica, joined the family distillery in 2020. Though hes a retired horticultural educator, he still does consulting, which has been in demand, and luckily hes out-of-doors most of the time. Most recently, my grandson Liad graduated magna cum laude from the U. of Missouri School of Journalism and is now in Barcelona on an internship. James DeGroff, MBA 61, now in Whitehouse Station, NJ (, sadly reports that he lost his wife, Susan, in 2020, and now stays busy working from home in his position as managing partner at Formulator Software. Please take a moment to share an update with your classmates, or send your holiday letter to: Class of 1999, c/o Alexandra Bond 12, As was my sudden, unexpected promotion from zilch to class officer. Same need for news. To be included in a future Grad Notes section, send your news to At Cornell ECE we investigate analog and mixed signal circuits, RF transceivers, low power interfaces, and much more. Richard Weir III and his wife, Paula, live in Oyster Bay, NY. Were sending get-well wishes to Dave Schmidt, who wrote that he had a medical winter, with a new heart valve, stroke, and then seizure. Martha Ballard Lacy ( is also involved in significant volunteer opportunities and is clearing out paperwork and furniture that she no longer needs. No seeing friends and relatives on a regular basis. Vice President for Research and Innovation, Create your own custom weekly events email, American Indian and Indigenous Studies Program, Biogeochemistry and Environmental Biocomplexity, Brian C. Nevin Welcome Center at the Cornell Botanic Gardens, Bronfenbrenner Center for Translational Research, CAC: Cornell Center for Advanced Computing, CAPE: Cornell Association of Professors Emeriti, CCE Central NY Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops, CCE North West NY Dairy Livestock and Field Crops Program, CCMR: Cornell Center for Materials Research, CCSSP: Cornell Climate Smart Solutions Program, Center for Disciplined-Based Education Research, Center for Integrative Developmental Science, College of Architecture, Art, and Planning, College of Human Ecology Human Centered Design, Cornell Atkinson Center for Sustainability, Cornell Brooks School Tech Policy Institute, Cornell Center for Comparative and Population Genomics, Cornell Center for Innovative Hospitality Labor and Employment Relations (CIHLER), Cornell Center for Social Sciences (CCSS), Cornell Financial Engineering Manhattan (CFEM), Cornell Initiative for Digital Agriculture (CIDA), Cornell Institute for Climate Change and Agriculture, Cornell Institute of Archaeology and Material Studies (CIAMS), Charles H. Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management, Samuel Curtis Johnson Graduate School of Management, Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station, Cornell University Initiative for Maximizing Student Development (CU-IMSD), Critical Ottoman and Post-Ottoman Studies, David M. Einhorn Center for Community Engagement, Department of Development Sociology (DSOC), Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences (EAS), Department of Inclusion and Workforce Diversity, Dept. Phillips is a horizontal block with a flat roof. I continue to run two investment advisory firms, take long walks, do regular gym workouts, and golf two or three times weekly. Recently their lives markedly changed because they moved from a suburban-urban area in Maryland to a more rural suburban area. Im looking forward to what 2022 will bring us! Some of the pressure for additional space was relieved by transfer of faculty office space to the Upson Hall extension, and again in 1991 when the third floor of the new Engineering and Theory Center Building was made available to the EE School. No . Nan is happy to be back gardening around our villa and in the community vegetable garden. Nadine Salley, MS 79 ( lives in Kingston, RI, where she and her spouse live in an active 55-plus community, only three miles from the ocean. In 1967, they returned, with a child, to the East Coast, where Louise entered Harvard Law School and Steven taught at Harvard and MIT. This is the first time Im writing to you for the online communication portal that Cornell has launched to share content with alumni. Both of his daughters are in college: Thats what I get for having kids in my 40s. The pandemic has taught him patience and to let go of things not in his control. Read more about Utility Shutdown Request 34197; Utility Shutdown Request 34110. Online news form. Her biggest takeaway from living through COVID-19 is that if you are immunized and behave responsibly, you will outlast the pandemic.. (AOA)the oldest orthopaedic association in the worldmaking history as the first woman president. 201 Phillips Hall Cornell University Ithaca, NY 14853 Open Hours Schedule: Open hours are for current members to get help with using lab tooling by CMC officers. She has a group psychology practice as part of Skaneateles Psychology Assocs. Its been a dynamic first year for my business in Portland, writes Greg. Schneider Social Sciences Hall (SSS) 26. She lived in Hopkinton, MA (26.2 miles west of Boston), for 34 years and just loved this quiet, suburban town. Please feel free to drop us a line with your news for the class column. She enjoys being outdoors, playing tennis, walking, and biking. I knew her stomach was really big, but was it big enough to hold a baby and all that hot soup? So begins a recent essay by Tom Golden, available on his blog, which can be accessed via his website. After many years of spending most of his time in New Jersey, where he had his clinical psychology practice and was a frequent performer at a Hoboken venue, Tom is now living full time in New Berlin, NY, near the Golden Artist Colors manufacturing plant and the artists residence of the Sam & Adele Golden Foundation. Class Facebook page. Our older son, Arthur, and his family live in Essex, VT, and our younger son, Aaron, lives in Pasadena, CA, where he is head of the film and photography department at East Los Angeles College. In July 2021, David Hahn was elected partner of Davis Polk. But I know this column isnt just about my trip or the changes on campus. Every time I get squirted by a grapefruit, I think of Neil, and what we shared during our wonderful years at Cornell and through the decades that followed., Dave Nisbet writes, Ill always remember the stunning beauty and colors of the campus in the fallunforgettable. So beyond my clinical work, I very much live with this beyond the usual day-to-day exposure to pandemic news. The pandemic caused her to furlough starting in May, which was just two months prior to a planned retirement, so it all worked out! Serena Hu was named the 134th president of the American Orthopaedic Assn. Best wishes. As a US Fulbright professor, I taught for a semester at ITAM in Mexico City. In articles for the New York Review of Books, Weinberg has not been kind to religion. Loren and Dana are planning an East Coast trip to Lenox, MA, and Newport, RI. Theyve learned to use Zoom and are staying in touch with family and friends via texts, emails, and FaceTime. Murphys Law has gone international. Harriette Scannell Morgan (Adamstown, MD) wrote, Body at 90 not moving so well. Anne Hoskins ( and her husband, Robert Zdenek, have bought a home in San Luis Obispo, CA, with hopes of retiring there someday. Dianne Rosborne Meranus ( and husband Philip, JD 66, anticipate the arrival of their first great-grandchild! Thus, rehab work has been delayed. Online news form. Colleen has found that we have amazing resilience as we cope with this! She enjoys bird watching, gardening, and being at home with her menagerie of birds, a cat, and two dogs. Charles Walter writes, I started a new venture, Realifed, to assist friends in building stronger relationships and making more plans in the real world around shared interests. How are you planning to spend the holidays? I am a consistent donor to Cornell, but I am not going to use this form. Jeffrey Moses. She reached a big decision to retire from college teaching. Maria Yurasek reports from Carbondale, CO, I find myself happily retired after 42 years practicing infectious disease and internal medicine, including eight years in administration. Thats it for this issue. My younger daughter began Cornell as a freshman in 2020 and is starting her sophomore year in CALS. Barbara loves Ithaca and lived there for 15 years after graduation. Martha is finding satisfaction in her ability to support charities, with a significant one being the regular donation of platelets to the Red Cross. Karen DeMarco Boroff,; Deb Gellman,; Mitch Frank,; Joan Pease, She was surrounded by close family and spent the last few weeks at home on hospice care. The Power Network Calculator was abandoned in favor of the digital computer, and its former location in the building eventually became a laser and optics laboratory. After he earned his PhD from Cornell in Applied Physics and Electrical Engineering, Dave worked for Bell Labs for 11 years before deciding to work full time on medical devices. Bruce Hazen ( and wife Jennifer Shirley live in Portland, OR. Walter would like his email address known: His biggest takeaway from the pandemic is that humans are resilient and adaptable, though sometimes illogical, and science is amazing, especially if followed. Classmates, please continue to stay in touch. During our visit to campus, we also enjoyed a leisurely stroll in the Botanic Gardens (forever known to most of us as the Plantations) and popped into the Cornell Store (still expensive LOL) and the Statleralthough, sadly, we couldnt get into Sage Chapel, which I was hoping to (re)show my kids, given how much time I spent there as an undergrad and how gorgeous it is inside. The two bananas I ordered arrived as two pounds of bananas, leading to the necessity of baking banana bread. Your correspondent is pleased to report the arrival July 7 of his second grandchild, Alexander, who joins older brother Ethan, 3, and his parents, Vanessa Hoffman 07 and David Weiner, and grandparents Eileen Barkas Hoffman 69 and me. Bev Johns Lamont, 720 Chestnut St., Deerfield, IL 60015; email, The other big change we noticed was inside Uris Library, where my beloved sleeping bays in the Cocktail Lounge have been replaced by high-backed, futuristic-looking chairs (although I do like the new workspaces facing Libe Slope). Sudip has enjoyed his occasional guest lecturing stints in Environmental Finance at Cornell. We are happy and healthy and glad to be Cornellians.. Fred will be celebrating 40 years as the pastor of the Jackson Park Lutheran Church in Milwaukee this November. His family is scattered from coast to coast, and, with the pandemic, he has not seen any of them for over a year. All ideas are welcome and participation is encouraged. Our main map page presents these data on a Google map with overlays. Dianne has been doing sewing/craft projects and jigsaw puzzles. Desperate requests for oxygen cylinders, concentrators, and hospital beds are flooding our WhatsApp groups and social media platforms. Phillips Hall, Room 305 Fernando Escobedo Samuel W. and Diane M. Bodman Professor in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Smith School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering 344 Olin Hall 607/255-8243 Yong L. Joo BP Amoco/H. If you sent us your news in the fall, look for it in an upcoming column! She says she is getting olderand feeling it. She finds satisfaction in being more open, although remotely, with family and friends. Her biggest takeaway from the pandemic: We are all interdependentmore than we ever realized. Jim Ling (Fort Collins, CO) sent in a brief note to say that he was unable to travel because of the pandemic. Jim is president of the local sanitation district and still volunteering with the program honoring veterans in hospice. Leo is still engaged in the real estate business in Marthas Vineyard. In addition to working from home, Pam has been home more in general due to the pandemic. John Grocki ( moved to golf heavenHilton Head, SCto avoid the annual chores of shoveling and raking leaves. Now that I am older, I chair the cemetery committee. I am in a book group here in NYC with our Reunion chair, Carole Rapp Thompson, and Judith Cohen Lowry. While the house is empty, Joan plans to devote more time to her college counseling practice, but on Wednesdays she will continue to visit the Old Greenwich Farmers Market, founded and run by Dana Lee Evans. She is still working from home as a lawyer at Blank Rome LLP, Washington, DC, and advocating for offshore wind in Virginia as chairman of the Virginia Offshore Wind Development Authority (VOWDA). Our congratulations are due as she reports that her latest poetry book, Mothers of Ireland (LSU Press, 2020), is co-winner of the 2021 Poetry by the Sea book prize and was a longlist finalist for the Julie Suk Award. The research revealed the more you expose babies to how the world works, the richer the neural networks become. Her third daughter, Sarah, is a sophomore at Connecticut College, and her youngest, Katie, is in grade ten and plays volleyball and runs. My granddaughter is a freshman at Cornell! Linda is thankful for family and dear friends and to be able to live not very differently than before. He says that he and wife Amy (Wang) have been active alumni in Oregon, as much as their parenting years have allowed. Cottrell designed a special illumination laboratory for the third-floor north wing. Burton is also a McKinsey & Co. management consultant veteran with expertise in advanced technology, life sciences, and corporate finance. He enjoys visits by a great-grandchild who lives 15 minutes away and expects the arrival of more great-grandchildren. Also on the Upper West Side is Fran Hoffinger. Fred and Viviane Thomas-Breitfeld 74 live outside of Milwaukee in Brookfield, WI. When not working, Shana writes that she dances and hikes, enjoys time with friends, and leads an annual theme camp at Burning Man! Because of COVID, Kris hasnt seen much change. And it all shows in the news we get from you! We also hope that you plan on ending 2021 on a high note by supporting Cornell and our class by paying your class dues and checking out Ways to give. She hopes to travel to Ecuador soon. Class website. Suzanne has worked at the Mount Pleasant Public Library for 20 years, and, like most of us have seen, libraries are now slowly coming back to normal after months of curbside pickups and virtual programming. She shared that the youngest of their four sons graduated from Cornell in May. Scott currently works as sales director for Pepsicos Quaker Division out in California, and he enjoys riding his road bike and listening to audio books in his spare time. During the early days of the pandemic, her daughter and her two grandchildren sheltered in with her, which was wonderful. You can share your updates via the online news form, or send any of us an email. Daughter Marian (briefly Class of 08) went back to college, also virtually. While Cliff is not working any longer, he is having fun delivering flowers for a friend who asked for his help. Submit via the online news form, or contact one of us directly: Joe Marraccino,; Wendy Milks Coburn,; Ruby Wang Pizzini,; Susie Curtis Schneider,; Evelyn Achuck Yue, Phillips Hall frames Cornell Universitys Engineering quad on the north side and houses the School of Electrical Engineering. For GPS, use the street address of the Martin Y. Tang Welcome Center at 616 Thurston Ave., Ithaca, NY 14853 (lat./lng. I apologize in advance for any errors in this next news; it was handwritten, and my 66-year-old eyes are not as keen as in the past! Help classmates keep up with news about you. Audiovisual and lighting equipment of the latest design has been installed with central control provided by a computer-monitored system housed in the podium. Send suggestions to Jim at Rob and I spend two to three months each winter in our home near San Jos del Cabo, Mexico. Sally now lives half the year in Ecuador but returns to the States periodically, traveling coast to coast to visit family and friends.. I hope the year has been going as well as possible for all of you. Wouldnt surprise me if some of you are using a quill pen. Associate Professor Electrical and Computer Engineering Phillips Hall, Room 420 Director of Graduate Studies Alyssa B. Apsel Professor and Director Electrical and Computer Engineering Phillips Hall, Room 229 607/255-3962 Christopher Batten Professor Electrical and Computer Engineering and tutoring graduate students at U. of Washington. Not to worryI am ready to enjoy what others are doing! When asked what else has been happening in her life, she writes, The usual ongoing health challenges, young ones leaving home, the arrival of my first great-grandchildand zero travel. Mary gets the most satisfaction these days from being able to stay in touch with friends and family, new friendships with other COVID prisoners I had not known well before, and coffee and meals on patios outside! Her biggest takeaway from the pandemic: We are all okay and grateful for each day more than ever. Contact for assistance. Jeffrey Berg, ME 80, MBA 81 ( and his wife, Debra Paget, said their daily life has pretty much remained the same during the pandemic, with the exception of not attending concerts and plays and not dining indoors. I am a chef at our family restaurant and am teaching and writing about international cuisine and gardening. Online news form. The most satisfaction I get these days is being with my three children and nine grandkids and walking in the neighborhood. Dave Fischell, PhD 80, our Reunion campaign chair and an inventor in his own right, is also a serial entrepreneur. It was what kickstarted a lifetime of world travel. Meanwhile our several groups created virtual choir videos in which each singer recorded his or her part separately and then they were combined into a single performance. Staying safe and healthy is important, but maintaining mental health and filtering out all the noise is the true test., Next door in Queens, congratulations to former Daily Sun cartoonist Ali Solomon Mainhart, now illustrator of a humorous new book, I Am Why Do I Need Venmo? Years Old: Adventures in Aging. A huge standing ovation to Steve Cohen, the highly acclaimed Millionaires Magician, on the triumphant in-person return of his amazing show, Chamber Magic, at the Lotte New York Palace in NYC. COVID provided an opportunity to meet his neighbors, as they started a twice-a-week cocktail hour. We would love to hear from you! Eugene Ceglowski, DVM 67, up in Rupert, VT, says, Ive lived an isolated life for the past yearputting up 100 acres of hay, raising heifers, talking but not live-visiting with family, seeing how granddaughters, both juniors at Cornell, are doing, and being glad Im not one of the [then] 530,000 who died. Philip Dattilo Jr. writes a similar note from Mendon, NY, saying only, I have cabin feverno travel and dont go to restaurants. Anthony Mauro ( of East Amherst, NY, has gotten out somewhat in advising and assisting his sons business, operating four restaurants in Western New York, and enjoying grandkids and family. Please also continue to send your news via the online news form! It was called pickle diplomacy, she explains. He is looking forward to his first European river cruise next year; it was canceled twice because of COVID-19. Assistant Professor Applied and Engineering Physics Clark Hall, Room 223 . (Yes, its a thing!). Along the way, as his fathers career advanced, Dick lived in Boston, Paris, and New York City. Robert Tallo, They say, The travel is on hold for a while, but we have been able to enjoy our 18-month-old granddaughter, Melina, daughter of Daniel Cohen 12. Wed love to hear from you and give you your 15 minutes of Cornell fame! Bryan Walley ( wrote that he has been retired for 16 years and is really enjoying it. Over the last 25 years, he has co-founded 14 biomedical device companies. We have managed to catch up with Andrew Emmett, Patrick and Lauren Tingey Smith, and Justin Matthews 00 this summer and hope to get back together in the coming weeks. Contrary to most of us, Ken is still working. Phillips Hall 120 Ithaca, NY 14853 Prof. Lal obtained his Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering from Caltech. I also saw my Cornell roomie, Sandi Goldstein Karlin, for lunch in Delmar, NY, and we caught up as well. His takeaway from the pandemic is that there needs to be a commitment to educate our citizens on public health issues, how decisions are made, and community dialogue opportunities. Jay Bainbridge 86, BA 87, is a contributing author to a new book on the market. Sometime later, I met and married Claire Barenholtz, who had been a widow for several years. Joans takeaway from the pandemic: Boredom. Of course, if you dont have the link, I dont know how you will get any of this information. The pandemic has given us time to slow down our lives and spend time together. Liz Rothermel Hopwood, who lives in Fort Lauderdale, FL, says that with a vaccination life is easier and almost normal, and she was planning a trip to see her grandson graduate from Vanderbilt. Her biggest takeaway from the pandemic is that kindness, patience, and empowerment make our community stronger so we can survive any challenge. Seminar / Electrical and Computer Engineering The beauty and simplicity of an early morning at home brings Bridget the most satisfaction these days. And yet, Im trying to enjoy every day. Muriel King Taylor, MD 62 ( writes from Lakewood, WA, and she too has been isolating at home, suspending her usual out-of-the-house activities like weekly rowing, exercise classes, and group painting. Hi, everyone! He is a member of the firms finance practice in New York, principally advising financial institutions and direct lenders in connection with various transactions. It has been so fun to watch him grow.. They loved family togetherness during the pandemic! (In 1967, Dicks law firm purchased his dads law firm.). Hear Darnells fascinating and inspirational story about taking the wrong path in life, lessons learned, and coming out the other side. You can also check out Darnells op-ed in the New York Times. Top image: Jason Koski/Cornell University, Classic Cornell Bread Is Still a Favorite of Health-Conscious Bakers, Fresh from Sustainability Success in NYC, Alum Leads Cornells 2030 Project on Climate Change, Get a Clue: Anna Shechtman Is a Star in the World of Crosswords. Online news form. Online news form. . Cornell University, 245 Day Hall. My third son, Cornell Class of 2018, works for a startup, and our only daughter is a rising junior at Cornell.. All the classmate news Im getting is written in longhand! When Alex said he had never heard of orbisculate, Hilary was happy to bet $5 that it was in the dictionary. Scott writes that the book will help leaders, managers, business owners, and HR professionals create workplaces that value and support employers with their work-life challenges. Scott also noted that during the early months of COVID quarantine restrictions, he interviewed more than 50 employers to generate relevant content. As always, I would love to share more from the Class of 1994! Having been an All-American in both field hockey and lacrosse during her time at Cornell, Cari was named Ivy League Rookie of the Year in 1994 and was inducted into the Cornell Athletics Hall of Fame in 2008, her first year of eligibility. I am maintaining my blog. I was then given the choice by my father to become a citizen immediately (as the child of citizens) or wait until I turned 18 and apply on my own. The 1994 program called for transforming the steeply stepped, outmoded lecture room to meet the current and projected needs for contemporary teaching, as well as the expectations of the students of the computer age. They have a trifecta of Cornell children. Margaret Monteith Edelman, BA 45, has been spending time at the doctors office. While working nights on an antitrust casebook, he met a lawyer with the Cleveland law firm of Jones, Day, Cockley & Reavis; he joined the firm and four years later became a partner. Lynn Berni,; Debbie Kaplan Gershenson,; Aliza Stein Angelchik, Children should start learning about it in the first grade and keep having more advanced concepts each year. John Berkoben reports progress has been made! At age 10, Dick and his family moved to Chevy Chase, MD, where he later attended a large high school in D.C., played center on the basketball team, was president of the student council, and graduated number three in his class. Until our next column, stay well and happy. Susan Shapiro Prohofsky, who lives in Sarasota, FL, sent the sad news that her husband, Earl, PhD 63, who was a professor of physics at Purdue U. and to whom she had been married for 59 years, died in late 2019. Tulsa native Kevinn Matthews, an attorney with the Cochran Firm, was recently selected to lead its expansion into Oklahoma. My wife, Nancy, and I spent the month of October 2019 in Paris. Although built in 1954, the 230-seat lecture room and adjoining lobby remained unchanged. Louise became a legal scholar and an authority on the federal courts and taught at the U. of Texas Law School.