Why is bureaucracy a necessary part of management in most formal organizations? serve to prevent classism, racism, sexism, and ageism It helps identify the most vulnerable and marginalized and allows for inclusion and participation not just on the surface, but in the structure of the organization. b. Still, we hear degrading remarks about the Philippines being a Third World country. may be more common than most people would like to believe In addition, there should be compliance with the core conventions of the International Labor Organization and national laws regarding human rights. Explain elasticity of demand in your own words. In the early 1980s, there was a movement in the u.s. to humanize bureaucracyto establish an organizational en Get the answers you need, now! c. formal group This is one of the primary reasons for the emergence of __________. Bureaucratic red tape and formalization: Untangling conceptual knots. b. 2019, 238). ______ leadership provides emotional support for members. The other gangs in his territory are the Bloods and Satan's Slaves. When there are bureaucracy, organizations can operate more smoothly and productively. social boundaries b. Human rights also implicate work and the workplace through the regulation labor rights (Art. d. reference group, In discussing primary and secondary groups, the text points out that__________________. This translates into meritthose qualified for the job are thus meritorious for the job (and notably, qualifications matter, whereas personal characteristics of individuals do not). d. social group, Almost __________ of Stanley Milgram's research subjects went all the way to what could have been a deadly jolt of electricity if the shock generator had been real. But the very same reasons that make it work as a solution to complexity also tend to be the causes behind its classic dysfunctions. For Cody, these two rival gangs would be considered __________. bureaucracy, specific form of organization defined by complexity, division of labour, permanence, professional management, hierarchical coordination and control, strict chain of command, and legal authority. b. Human rights enter the conversation around bureaucracies and ideals in two ways: (1) employees are human beings with human rights that need to be respected and (2) public bureaucracies represent governments, which means that they are carriers and often implementers of the human rights obligations of the state. Leaders using the __________ style of leadership may be praised for their expressive, supportive behavior toward group members, but they may also be blamed for being indecisive in times of crisis. c. primary groups A strict wall separates the sphere of the office from the realm of the family. A message will be sent to your email address with instructions. c. Obedience d. democratic, Unit 2 Review - Intro to Health Professions, Elliot Aronson, Robin M. Akert, Samuel R. Sommers, Timothy D. Wilson. a. Which of the following concepts is based on the central idea that those who control bureaucracies not only wield power but also have an interest in retaining their power? But his application could not be processed because of a discrepancy between his name in the hospital records and his name as it appears in the members data record. b. A corporate executive need not be able to program the department's computer system. Instrumental needs law and education, a. special interest groups b. the power elite. a. D. putting the needs of the organization above competing responsibilities. The text uses the expression "bureaucracy's other face" to refer to _________. The result was a shared assumption of safety that ultimately resulted in the explosion of a BP oil rig and an unprecedented environmental disaster. totalitarian The bureaucratic tendency toward rule by the few is termed __________, Examples of include the AFL-CIO (representing the majority of labor unions) and citizens' groups such as the American Conservative Union and Zero Population Growth, The extensive infusion of one nation's culture into other nations is referred to as: They are responsible for the observance of human rights. b. Whenever the group meets, other members are easily sidetracked and Latisha is always trying to keep the group focused on the assignment. Sociology Exam 2 (Ch. d. primary group, Several employees at a fast-food restaurant call in sick at the last minute. Put another way, they are part of a career system, accept and maintain their positions freely, and can only be bossed around with respect to the impersonal duties of their offices (Shafritz et al. a. dispersion. reference group a. The organization of bureaucracies according to specialization implies that individuals will also have specialized knowledge and technical expertise (or, merit). We develop a self-concept based on our perception of the attitudes of others. Bureaucratic personality refers to_____________________________. As the name makes clear, human rights designates individuals as rights holders. A bureaucracy also has an informal structure, which includes the daily activities and interactions that bypass the official rules and procedures. Soc. 1 Test # 2 Study Guide.docx - Norco College Soc. Test a. human rights In discussing primary and secondary groups, the text points out that ___________________. formal group secondary category d. totalitarian, The research conducted by Stanley Milgram and his colleagues provides evidence that obedience to authority __________. outgroup These bureaucrats are more likely to be those who are risk-takers and have nonconformist personalities. Part of the movement to humanize bureaucracy includes. Let Quiz 2, Sociology - Introductory Sociology - Quizgoat The ultimate test for HRBA is the results it creates in enhancing the enjoyment of political, civil, economic, and social rights for bureaucrats and who they serve. Using a human rights-based approach, we seek to understand Webers bureaucracy through the lens of human rights, and offer suggestions for how to structure organizations that are fair, equitable, and oriented around the human condition. 10.7 What Are the Purpose and Function of Bureaucracies? c. democratic formal organization Green tape theory posits that effective rules are those that are written, have a logical means-ends relationship, are applied consistently, are optimally controlling, and have purposes that are understood (DeHart-Davis, 2009; 2017). Exam 2 Flashcards | Quizlet 1. b. a. a. a more rigid hierarchical structure b. a reduction in the amount of informal activity c. helping employees focus on work d. a greater emphasis on sharing information. d. operational group, Two best friends, married couples, and domestic partnerships are each an example of a(n) __________. The first part of this definition deals with equity within public organizations, and therefore implicates employees standing within bureaucracies. He chooses to take a passive approach to this problem, hoping that it will fix itself. The result is an unwise decision. Ferdinand Tnnies used the term __________ to characterize a traditional society in which social relationships are based on personal bonds of friendship and kinship and on intergenerational stability. Extending this logic, rules can be used in organizations that target employees in positive or negative ways. The supervisor of the office has been informed that Sarah consistently extends her lunch hour by 30 . Borry, E. L., H. Getha-Taylor, and M. H. Holmes. Quiz Grade 2. all secondary groups are approximately the same size Merit was a driving force for public sector hiring in the United States before Webers work was translated into English. division of labor significant others Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. Part of the movement to humanize bureaucracy includes The iron law of oligarchy Which of the following concepts is based on the central idea that those who control bureaucracies not only wield power but also have an interest in retaining their power? In this article, we argue that a focus on people and their needs, desires, and rights within bureaucracies can achieve both efficiency and values relating to equity and individual empowerment. Chapter 5 Questions Flashcards | Quizlet In addition, organizations can be cognizant about the way that specialization and hierarchy (and thus, centralization of decision making) can reduce employee agency and empowerment. Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. 5 Free According to many _____ theorists, popular culture serves a significant . Latisha would be considered the __________ leader of the group. cooperative info@gurukoolhub.com +1-408-834-0167; . Applying the terms for problems that are frequent within bureaucracy, this is an example of __________. While a HRBA might require major rethinking of processes and might come at the expense of some efficiency, at least in the short run, long-term impact and investment in equity will lead to a more inclusive and equitable environment, countering bureaucracies tendency toward domination and dehumanization. When a child experiences extreme neglect during their early years, it is easy to catch up on social development and language learning later in life. Campbell (2019) refers to the work on centering the individual in red tape research as the psychological process approach (see Pandey 2021 for an overview). b. Free Part of the movement to humanize bureaucracy includes____________. Joaquin is a member of a group working on a project for his biology class. aggregate c. democratic Joe would be considered the __________ leader of the group. 3. d. traditional, A(n) __________ is an alliance created in an attempt to reach a shared objective or goal. 112. Leaders using the __________ style of leadership are only minimally involved in decision making and encourage group members to make their own decisions. Part of the movement to humanize bureaucracy includes a. strengthening existing hierarchical structures. He talks effusively about the kindness of the average Filipino, and the relaxed atmosphere he finds in almost every community he visits. c. Instrumental An organizational model characterized by a hierarchy of authority, a clear division of labor, explicit rules and procedures, and impersonality in personnel matters is called a(n) __________. Further, Weber was concerned about bureaucracys ability to be system of domination (Weiss 1983, 243) where power is concentrated to the few at the top. Though writing around the same time as Weber, Mary Parker Follett took employee psychology into account and advocated for organizations to enjoy power with rather than power over its employees (Shafrtiz and Hyde 2012, 12). The rules do not always provide quick and precise guides for dealing with every actual case. Gruskin, S., D. Bogecho, and L. Ferguson. Implementing an HRBA approach means a first step in compliance with essential international human rights standards, such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR), the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women, the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, and other international human rights laws. The U.S. Senate consists of 100 members. Analyses of a HRBA applied in the private sector show that addressing human rights concerns can be profitable and enhance the business reputation, attractiveness, and recognition, increase employee productivity, open new markets and investor opportunities, and create a more stable work environment with less production delays and increased ability to attract the most qualified and motivated employees (Amis, Brew, and Ersmarker 2005; Ruggie 2011). c. anarchy c. secondary group She, however, follows the norms . Human rights have also been incorporated into national law and are represented in most constitutions around the world. Though bureaucracies are designed for efficiency, Weber also worried about the likelihood of such bureaucracies to concentrate power, reduce autonomy, and dehumanize those within it (Maley 2004; Samier 2005; Weiss 1983). We voluntarily join __________ organizations when they can provide us with a material reward we seek. 2 UDHR). ingroup What can we do with a rights-based approach to development? part of the movement to humanize bureaucracy includes helping employees focus on work the degree of social cohesion felt by participants is very important regarding how individuals respond to group pressure 25 UDHR). a. political action committees b. the power elite, a. c. Groupthink What is the economic structure of society? b. A bureaucracy works when its operations are, at every point, made predictable. a. Bureaucratic focus on efficiency can be at the expense of equity and human rights. Sociology Chapter 6: Groups and Organizations Flashcards Political action committees b. The first thing you can do to try to de-bureaucratize yourself is to recognize that inside of a bureaucratic organization, there's a set of behaviors that we all learn and develop because they get. _____________ social control takes place through the socialization process. Part of the movement to humanize bureaucracy includes, The tendency for a bureaucracy to be ruled by the few is termed. A a greater emphasis on sharing information 13 Q A college president need not be effective in designing promotional brochures.