From there, go up the ladder and head east to find a wall that can be destroyed with a bomb. When you return to room 41, youll need to either use a boomerang or an arrow to kill the flying bomb while its near the broken blocks on the far side of the gap to the right of the entrance; this will destroy the blocks and allow you to pass with your Rocs Cape. In room 61, walk forward and Great Spin Attack all the of the enemies before using the flashing panels to open the door to the boss room. As with most of the other bosses, Octorock can only be hurt in a specific way during his main form. The Minish Cap walkthrough - Zelda's Palace Updated April 14 2023 The Minish Cap walkthrough Originally written by Ariane, translated by Le Pourpre and reviewed by Sarah This text doesn't contain all the optional actions of the game. In order to reveal the chest here, youll have to form a split-Link and maneuver your clones to the southern end of the room, but the razortrap thats maneuvering its way around the central rocks will have a thing or two to say about that. Now that you have your bow, youll be able to shoot the cyclopean statues in the area and force them to move. You dont have much use for the Minish portal at the moment, so head to the right and into room 24. Room 23 is a mere leeward stop; take the stairs on down to room 24 (the only room on the B3 level), and push the lever there. If you head there (via the northwestern corner of the Lon Lon Ranch), you can train with Spiritblade, wholl let you form split-Links more quickly than before. Best PS5 Headset In 2023 - Top Options For PlayStation, South Hyrule Field, Eastern Hills, and Castor Fields, Mt. Lon-Lon Milk: If you speak to the Minish in the barrel hut in Minish Town a couple of times, one of them will request Lon-Lon Milk. [ ] Another Piece of Heart is available through the sand cave on the northern end of the lake, although youll need the Rocs Cape before you can reach it. You can also grab a red Kinstone from the chest here. Take the stairs back up. This walkthrough includes a full walkthrough, as well as a full rundown of heart container locations and other extras. Shooting these targets will let you bypass locked doors. This will let you pass through to room 21, where youll have to maneuver through a long ice platform to reach the southern end. All of Vaatis forms use the same basic concept: theres a large, central red eye protected by smaller eyes. Games. If you do so, youll be able to return later to find a new merchant there; this one sells Picolytes. With the power of your grip ring, start to ascend the wall. The one in the lower-right corner holds a fairy for a more significant health boost. Luckily, these arent of the super-hard variety, so you can kill them with the old methods. This will let you grab the Big Key and head back towards room two. Although his stony shell (as well as the lava in which he sits) protects him from your attacks, the Cane of Pacci can flip it over when it strikes properly. If you manage to collect all of them, youll receive the Carlov Medal. Rather than help him right away, though, grab the Piece of Heart to the left a bit and then return to Ezlos location. On the next floor is a new kind of Chuchu that turns into a spike covered ball. Head to the Elder who is in the building in the top left corner of the village. [ ] Theres a piece of the southern end of the lake that you can swim to. After you kill the first knight, youll notice a gaggle of them appearing in rooms 38, 40, 43, and 44. Its possible to misplace the block of ice here if youre not careful, so get on its upper side and push it down once, then to the right. When you return to room two, open the locked door on the left side of the northern wall to reach room 12. In order to reach the next element, youre going to thus have to find some way to increase your movement speed a bit. It reads "No bomb throwing!" Fuse with him to open a waterfall cave in Veil Falls. Instead of heading towards the door immediately, take the southern path around the room and pull the first statue to the right of the switch, then return to the northwestern corner of the room and push the leftmost statue onto the switch. Anyway, the mine cart will take you to the southern half of room six, where there is again only a linear path to follow until you reach a bombable wall on the western edge of the room. These mushroom launchers can only be used with your Gust Jar. The Compass doesnt do a whole lot for you, but it will let you access chests that might otherwise go unfound; you can check your map in the start menu to see any chests lying around that you havent found yet. Remote Bombs: Return to the Minish Village and fuse Kinstones with the elder there. Its not difficult to get through, though, assuming you can walk in a straight line. Pleaz answer soon cause I wanna get past the bit I'm up to so.. [ ] When you have the flippers and the Pegasus Boots, use the latter on the flashy tree in the southwestern corner of the zone to reveal a Minish portal. In order to get through this room, youll need to hop onto the platform, then jump onto the platform extended across the room and hit the two switches with your boomerang. If you shrink yourself down and enter the Mayors house from the north, youll be able to push one of the shelves there to the right and then climb up to push the book onto the floor. Next up, head south to room 38 and kill the knights there with your Great Spin Attack, then head down to room 49. Let's talk about Kinstone pieces. There, you can obtain a red Kinstone piece. In order to obtain the Pegasus Boots, youll need to find some way to wake Rem up. Again, this is a long dungeon, and the map can be a bit confusing at times, due to the way that it has to deal with both exterior and interior areas. After you grab it, return to room one, uncover the stairs on the right, then head back up to room 18 and use the mushroom launchers to maneuver yourself around to the big door on the northern side. Don't Even Google It. Crenel at present since the rest of Hyrule can't be accessed. Theres seemingly no way to tell which attack hes priming when he pauses, and its exceedingly difficult to get out of the sucked-in air column when hes sucking, so the best advice we have to give is to keep your distance. There are further tiers of the mini-game beyond the fifth, but at this point you wont stand a chance to beat them. Go back to the area you first arrived in once reaching Mount Crenel (NOT Mount Crenel Base), where you bombed the wall between two rocks. Cut the vines away with your sword and head down into the basement to encounter a fierce sword-and-shield wielding opponent. [ ] Theres a large grave in the southwestern corner of the field. Hopefully our numbered map will help cut down on misinterpretations, though. If you fuse the golden Kinstones with them, the path to to the Wind Ruins will open. If you do save, though, then load up your save game from the start menu, well, youll still be able to replay Vaati and the ending, but a couple of extra events occur as well. The Minish Cap is one of the weaker Zelda games, but it's still a lot of fun. [ ] Later in the game, when Simons Simulations unlocks (check after each dungeon), head inside and defeat one wave of enemies for another piece. Crenel, players will see a series of vines they can use to climb up. Youll have to fuse all Kinstones for great justice! If you head up there and talk to him, hell ask to eat your shield. Go up the new vine to reach a new area. Crenels Base, then climbing the wall in the northeastern corner of that zone and continuing to climb up the eastern side of Mt. [ ] Use the Rocs Cape to jump into the bell on the northern end of town. Pulling both of the levers here will reveal both a pair of chests (each with blue Kinstones in them), as well as unlocking a door leading south. After coming out of the tunnel, you will want to fill your recently-purchased Empty Bottle with the water right below you and use it on the baby plant. While climbing the rock wall, move to dodge falling boulders. At this point you can push either block two or block four over the switch; it doesnt matter which one. The first important figure to speak to is the Elder, who lives in a yellow house in the northwestern corner of the zone, and whom will tell you what you need to do before the Picori Blade can be reforged. After you have that, you can drop down off the northern side of the platform and head to the big locked door on the northern side of the room. Leave the cave and continue climbing up the rock wall to reach a new area. If you return to Swiftblade in Hyrule Town, hell teach you the Dash Attack and the Down Thrust. If you climb up to it (youll need to backtrack down the mountain a bit), youll find another Piece of Heart and a bunch of rupees. If you have a Kinstone that matches theirs, youll be able to fuse them together. These four eyes will be your primary targets during the second Vaati fight. This type of wall can be broken using bombs. Your please answer a.s.a.p These stone markers are Wing Crests, and at a later point in the game, they will turn into warp tiles similar to the ones you encountered in Deepwood Shrine. The rarer red Kinstones dont appear to drop via this method, but most other kinds will drop in large numbers. Lake Hylia Sand Cave: After grabbing the Piece of Heart in Lake Hylia, make the diagonal jump to the northeast, then jump north to reach a previously inaccessible. Your quest? They will let players pass and the second dungeon, the Cave of Flames, is just beyond this door. Youll have to fend off three waves of Magicians here; if you have a surfeit of bombs, try laying them as they materialize and you might get some easy kills. When youve sucked up all of the goo from the Chuchus feet, itll stagger around for a bit before falling on its side; take advantage of this to whack it something good with your sword. Use the stone to grow small and move through the ravine. Room 20 features a pair of incredibly annoying enemies thatll attack you with maces. Belari: The Minish dude who originally gave you the bombs (hes just to the left of the Minish Village), will eventually be fusable. [ ] Theres a Forest Minish living in the southwestern corner of this zone; if you fuse with him, a beanstalk will appear, allowing you to climb up to a cloud platform where a Piece awaits. Do so, then walk through room 19 back to room seven. This is a hint to blow up the wall in front of you with the bombs and enter. Check our screenshot for our jar numbers. With these, youll be able to dig through the porous rock that permeates many of the rooms, such as the one in which youre standing now. You have to maneuver your way through the garden without being spotted by the guards; when you reach the end of the path, you can slash away the grass with your sword to reveal a ladder. After theyve all been destroyed, talk to the Minish in the wall to learn that the Mayor brought the book to his cabin by Lake Hylia, and didnt bring it back with him when he returned. If you Canejump out of the hole near this exit, youll come to Veil Falls, where theres a short walk to reach another Piece of Heart. Lastly, push the upper block to your left to the west. Walk down to get a Piece. Fuse with it to send another Goron to the Lon Lon cave. One wouldnt presume that a royal valley would need a full-time gravedigger, unless theres more regicide in Hyrule than were led to believe, but whatever. If you find the flower path on its northern side, youll be able to enter and grab a Piece. While youre still minaturized, find the small path leading to the seed, pick it up (you can do so even though its ten times as big as you), then bring it back to the overworld map and drop it into the hold in the ground near the cliff wall. Reds are the rarest of all, and youll have to pass up more than a few red Kinstone fusions early in the game due to a lack of stones, but later on, youll find plenty in dungeon chests, chests that appear as a result of lower-level Fusions, and elsewhere. Theres also a Minish located in the northeastern corner of the garden; to reach him, youll need to use your Pegasus Boots on the concealed Minish portal nearby. The Crenel Hermit resides within it, having come to the Cave in search of quiet reflection. Return to room 17 and use your cane on the northern hole to flip yourself over to the western side of the room. Note that at least one isnt available until after you beat the final boss, so getting them all isnt possible before you actually beat the game. In order to pass through, youll need to maneuver your way through the maze, lighting torches as you see them. If you return to Rems house in Hyrule Town and use it on him, hell wake up and finish up your Pegasus Boots for you. If you then hit all four eyes at the same time, the central eye will be exposed, allowing you to run up and slash it. Kill the bats inside, grab onto the mushroom, and be slung across the room. You cant pull boulders, so if you get it stuck in a corner, youll have to shrink yourself back down and enter the pathway again to reset their positions. Fill up on hearts from the skulls here before heading up in the giant whirlwind to meet the boss. After they swing the mace and retract it, theyll stand still for a moment, allowing you to get up close and personal with your sword or a remote bomb. This also gives players access to shortcuts that make it easier to go up and down Mt. [ ] When you come to the overturned mine cart, head right across the rail tracks, then bomb the southern wall here to reach the Piece. When he isnt electrified, though, the old Gust-Jar-on-the-feet trick will eventually topple him over, so whack him with your sword during these periods to finish him off. But first, players will need to get the other three elements. Melari is on the bottom floor, so walk around in a big circle, heading down each staircase until you reach him. After he disappears, get up and start making your way back outside, unfreezing the guards and the Minister by hitting them with a charged Spin Attack. Subsequent fights will earn you Kinstones or extra Rupees. If you persist, youll eventually get through and deal the final blow. Inside, start digging to the right; if you follow the path to the end, youll find a giant beanstalk. Well, rescue the princess, of course! The Elder will open up a new doorway in his house. Theres one last piece of treasure to get before youll actually want to use the Kinstones, though; if you zoom in on your map of the Wilds, youll note that theres one raised area that you havent been to yet; its the one farthest to the west. Head back the way you came in and go up the ladder. Pegasus Boot it to reveal the portal, then head east into the Minish path at the north end of the field, where a Piece of Heart is waiting for you. Head outside and walk up to see a wall you can blow up. Fuse With the Stranger: If you havent done so yet, you should have a red Kinstone piece required to fuse with the Stranger (the guy inside the house just to the south of the post office). Read the letter on the table, get out, go behind the house and run into the tree with your Pegasus Boots. You havent been there yet, but youre about to unlock the path to it, so go ahead and accept his offer. When you reach the end of the fourth row, head up two steps to meet the northern walland zigzag up and down the fifth and six rows; this should let you complete the puzzle and move on. Youll come across your first shark enemy here, so kill it, then take the northern red whirlwind. The Hermit's Cave is located in the northwesternmost corner of the Crenel Wall on Mount Crenel. Using your Gust Jar, maneuver the lilypad all the way back to room 12 and hit the switch there. He tells us to enter the Cave of Flames and retrieve the next. Make your way down to room four - its at the end of the only path thats open to you - and push the lever there to the left to open up a shaft of sunlight onto the ice nearby. If you drink the Picolyte while standing near a bunch of grass (such as in the Trilby Highlands), you should find hordes of green Kinstones, and even the occasional blue or red. [ ] If you head right from the entrance of the same cave, youll eventually come to an open area with a beanstalk in it. Hell Volginate you if you touch him while hes electrified, so youll be forced to do nothing but avoid him during these periods. If you pay him ten rupees, then fight off a gaggle of monsters without dying, youll earn a Piece of Heart. Fuse with the Mysterious Cloud nearby to start another windmill going, then return south and ride the red whirlwind back up. This will pop open all eight eyes, allowing you to spam out sword swings in the hopes of hitting all of them at once; just mash the button here to lay on the damage thick and heavy. When you reach the pressure plates, pull one of the statues onto the upper-left corner and one onto the lower-right corner, then charge up your sword and activate the lower-left and upper-right plates. There are four colors of Kinstone, green, red, blue, and gold, with over 100 total stones in the game. When youve got the map, return to the mushroom launcher and jump one river and head west. It connects to one other area: Mount Crenel's Base to the south. You entered in a strange cave, but this time not is nothing is important, except a wall to the right you. This will let you head to the northwestern platform. When youre ready to move on, climb up the ladder and start sucking up the spiky dirt pieces with your Gust Jar. Green are the most common variety, and will commonly be found when cutting through grass in the field or by killing normal enemies. You can find both room 16 (which contains a chest with 80 Mysterious Shells if you beat two wizards), as well as a chest with a blue Kinstone in the far northwestern corner of the hallway if you dig to it. From there, go left and then up to see a spot with green water and two vines. Eventually youll come to a bombable doorway in the left wall, leading into the hidden room 28; if you kill all of the enemies here, youll nab another Small Key. Aprile 25, 2023. . If you time this properly (start from one end and walk across the room), the Spin Attack that flashes after you make your copies should reflect the shots back at the cannons, letting you pass through. To collect figurines, youll need to access the southwestern corner of Hyrule Town, which is only possible after you obtain the Cane of Pacci and can talk to the dog guarding the steps leading down there. Use it to melt the ice blocks in room 22; if you need more health, you can repeatedly enter and exit this room and break the jars here for two hearts each time. If you resize yourself, youll be able to flip the switch here, which opens the prison cells gate (because all prisons have large switches that allow the inmates to let themselves out whenever they like, obviously). Greyblade: Greyblade is in Mt. The third part of this walkthrough of The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap will cover the journey to Mt. Fusing with it will send the sixth Goron to the Goron cave in Lon Lon Ranch. Go up and open the chest, which contains a Kinstone piece. Collect the Coocoos: If you speak to the girl in front of the house in the southeastern corner of town, youll be able to participate in a little mini-game that involves you running around town attempting to pick up escaped chickens and returning them to the fenced-in yard that the girl is standing in front of. Take the small key and return to room 11, where you can unlock a door and head upwards to room 15 on the fourth floor. Youll come to a blocked portion of the little river youre in, so use your Gust Jar to suck in the mushroom launcher whichll give you access to the switch. Return to room three and unlock the southern door there. After the second flower-lighting, Octorock will display some new techniques. The seedling will grow, allowing you to climb it. Head southwest, and you can find a doorway leading to another Deku Scrub who is selling bombs for 30 Rupees in the doorway. Not so fast, though; youll have to return to the Elemental Sanctuary for one last fight with Vaati. If you jump into the whirlwind, youll take flight for a few moments, so glide over to the right and try to hit the ground near the whirlwind on that edge of the screen. This will require a little bit of work, obviously. [ ] In the southwestern corner of the lake, youll find a ladder leading to a tree hut. Repeat the process for the second hand and Mazaals head will hit the ground. Again, many fusions arent necessary to complete; theyll often lead to rupees, or extra shells, or other Kinstones. Now that youve polished off all of your miniaturized quests, flip back to full size and dump your Mt. (The switch here will open the passage leading south, but theres nothing there save for a couple of jars.) 5: Fuse with a Mysterious Wall in the sand cave that led to the Mayors cabin, near Syrups hut. (The eyes smaller eye, that is - youll know what we mean when you see them in action.) You wont be able to fuse with him the first time you see him, so come back after completing a couple more dungeons. Dig around inside of it to find 50 shells and a red Kinstones. Youll have to be mindful of falling rocks while you climb, but you can shimmy to the left and right much more quickly than you can climb upwards, so you should be able to dodge them if you spot them falling. Although the Picori Blade is now in your possession, you wont be able to use it until much later in the game. The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap Wiki Guide By Sterling Silver , IGN-GameGuides , JSnakeC , +663 more Melari updated Dec 9, 2013 Description: He lives with his seven apprentices in. You may also want to check out the Piece of Heart appendix later in the guide to see if there are any missing. You can expect to be doing a lot of pushing and pulling in the Minish Cap. Down the steps, youll come into the very large fifth room of the dungeon. There are five of them throughout Hyrule, located in caves that can be accessed only with the Mole Mitts. Crenel and enter the cave next to the Hermit's cave. This is optional, and probably unnecessary. . Crenel; you can reach him by heading to Mt. Removing these obstacles will reveal a stone that can be used to shrink. If you fused with Stranger earlier and completed the little mini-quest involving the possessed grandfather, youll be able to speak to him on the second floor and obtain the Light Arrows, which will increase the attack power of your bow, so good on you. RELATED: The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap Should Get the Link's Awakening Treatment. Par. If you do a Kinstone fusion with it, a new cave will open up in the Lon Lon Ranch area. So, yeah, strange mysterious man, dressed all in black, with a habit of chuckling sinisterly to himself, given the rare privelege of touching the sword that locks the chest that contains an ultimate evilyeah, thatll turn out well. If you equip your Mole Mitts and dig through the rock in the cave entrance, though, youll bust through into a little subterranean cavern. If you fuse with all of them, then manipulate the switches inside the trees, a path will open up in the middle of the field leading down to the Magical Boomerang. When the fairy asks you to throw all of your rupees into the pool, agree to do so; she wont actually take any money from you, but will instead upgrade your wallet to let you carry more cash around. The room here has a couple of dead ends, but if you want to explore, check out the stairs leading down or bomb the wall on the right side to find some shells. There are a few of these adventurers springs throughout Hyrule. When youre on the upper part of the room, jump into the whirlwind, then maneuver your way south to the second whirlwind and from there to the eastern portion of the room, being sure not to get caught up on the rocks. These are both going to set you back 600 rupees, but you should be able to easily afford that by heading to Master Smiths house in South Hyrule Field and digging up the 20 rupees there over and over again. Now, the three brothers can be kind of weirdif you go to one of these locations, and theres no one there (youll know youre in the correct spot when you see a tree stump on the ground), then check the other locations. With them out of the way, go right and out the only other door in the room to get outside. The ones that lead to Pieces of Heart and item upgrades are the really important ones, so well list those here. Developed by Capcoms devilishly talented Flagship team (also responsible for the Oracle of Ages, Oracle of Seasons, and Four Swords Zelda adventures on the Game Boy), it pits a young boy against a powerful magician whos bent on ruling all of Hyrule. The Minish Cap Walkthrough - Cave of Flames Chapter 1 - Deepwood Shrine Chapter 2 - Cave of Flames 2.1 - Hyrule Town 2.2 - Mt. There is another Kinstone piece in the Minish cave to the east of this Picori's house. Youll need to form another split-Link trio to flip the sword-pressure switches on the south end of the room; when you unlock the door on the western side, head to room 34 and jump over the rolling traps to find another chest with a Small Key inside. Many of the Kinstone Fusions youve been performing in town were likely unlocking areas in the Minish Fields map, but even if you havent done any fusions at all, youll still be able to upgrade your wallet size. Hell give you something even better later on, but for now, this is all you get. Navigate toward the gust of wind on the left and then move toward the other side of the ledge next to it. The mine cart essentially acts as a warp to a distant portion of the dungeon, as the doors that you pass under as you roll will close behind you and become unpassable while you roll around on foot. Your first goal here is to find another Piece of Heart. The small Gyorg has a different pattern. You can also find some 50 rupees in the northeastern corner of the hall. When you find yourself back in room 21 (getting dizzy yet? If you blow it open with a bomb, youll come across a seemingly empty room; one of the shrubs here is actually a capital-S Shrub, of the nut-spewing variety. Woop! If you then rotate the barrel, you should note that the spiderwebbed portal will coincide with a small hole in the barrel when its at the very bottom point; drop down into this to find yourself back on floor B2, in room 15. Dampe will give you the Graveyard Key, which is promptly stolen from you by a bird when you exit his hut. Killing them both will reveal a chest that contains the Compass, woop woop. Bottles can hold most anything, and if youve played a Zelda game before, you might want to return to the Fairy cave in South Hyrule Field and grab a Fairy for it, but leave it empty for now, and make your way to Mt. Just like with the other seeds, this one will grow instantly when players pour the water onto it. From there walk up a path that leads to a dead end. If you do it properly, then stand on the eastern edge of the platform as it moves to the southeast, you should be able to get to the block with just enough time to push it off to the left before your clones disappear. Lake Hylia. Remember the location of this cave, as itll act as a quick restorative if you get badly hurt. Use it to start heading west. A Full Heart Container: Return to Minish Village and take the exit in the northeastern corner of town. After fusing with the final Mysterious Cloud, the whirlwind leading to the very top level of the Cloud Tops will open up, so jump into it and enter the house you find. He gives you the White Sword! If you walk to the warp and jump onto it, youll find yourself in an odd building with a few treasure chests, but without any exits. After the knights are dead, youll gain a Small Key. If you don't have enough bombs, break the jars above you. This guy seems to be a bit in awe of you, and will offer to give you a Bomb Bag and a bunch of bombs. Nothing will happen, so youll need to return to room 23, flip the lever there, then drop back down to 24 and push the lever again to unlock another Small Key. If you explore the left section of the path after you reach Minish, you can find another Piece of Heart. You can do so by climbing the stairs to the north of where you enter the screen, then bombing the rock face four squares to the right of the sign reading "Crenel Wall". As soon as you reach room six, jump off your platform, lest you get knocked back down by the birds. Once you have the grip ring, climb up four sets of wall on the far right of the mountain to get to a lone cave here. Inside the cave, use the mushroom across the way by grabbing it with your Gust Jar to spring across the gap. Thisll take you out into the North Hyrule Field, where you can use your Cane to hop up to a switch and extend the bridge leading across the river. To begin with, head south to room two, where you can fill up your health and ammo by slashing at the jars. But hey, you need it! In order to get there, walk south and hide in the holes as the rolling spike-logs pass over you.