Great! What nation or people were the feasts given to? EXO 12:1-2, Now the Lord said to Moses and Aaron in the land of Egypt, This month shall be the beginning of months for you; it is to be the first month of the year to you.. Now, the blowing of the trumpet can refer to two things: 1TH 4:16-17, For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trumpet of God; and the dead in Christ shall rise first. However, he also clearly revealed that the festivals or the feasts were intended by the Lord as prophetic signs of future events. 1Co 15:20, But now Christ has been raised from the dead, the first fruits of those who are asleep. Otherwise everyone would include the same answer, and, to be fair, you already celebrate that each and every year! 1 Co 5:7, Christ our Passover was sacrificed for us.. The gynecologist said, "On the first day of the seventh month, the baby's hearing is developed. When the temple was cleansed of the pigs blood from Antiochus Epiphanes and his evil dictatorship over Israel, the nation celebrated their freedom on 25 December 164 B.C. They are God's calendar for the order and details of the most significant events in the history of the world! These look at His death, burial, and resurrection, as well as the sending of the Holy Spirit: Passover Feast of Unleavened Bread Firstfruits Feast of Weeks The Well actually, since when did I get what I want? LEV 23:4-5, These are the appointed times of the Lord, holy convocations which you shall proclaim at the times appointed for them. This was a reminder that as a nation sows against divine institutions, they destroy themselves; but as they sow in the utilization of divine institutions, they become great. The 1000 year Messianic Kingdom on Earth. Although they didnt know it at the time, the children of Israel were celebrating what would become a very important day. It is the second pilgrimage holiday and it opens the season of harvest in Israel. So, how come we dont celebrate both holidays the Jewish and the Christian one on the same day? This is because it explains so much about prophecy and it really supports the idea of its 3,500 year old declaration of Holy convocation days must be the word of God. So, precisely fifty days after the Feast of Firstfruits, the day the Lord Jesus Christ rose from the dead, 120 disciples were gathered together in one place to await the promise of Christ. If this supposition is correct, then each major event in the life of our Lord followed one of the three main Feast Days which required all male Jews to come up to the Jerusalem Temple to worship the Lord. In the New Testament, the Greek term pneuma, normally translated as "breath," is applied to the "Holy Spirit." God wanted a special feast during which the Israelites would acknowledge the fertility of the fine land He gave them. It must have been a major argument of the disciples following Pentecost, as they witnessed to the Jews, that the feasts had been totally fulfilled in a remarkable fashion by the Lord Jesus Christ. The event that was a foreshadowing of course, of the messiah, the Lord Jesus Christ Who in JOH 1:29 is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world! Bible doctrine has practical and temporal applications as well as spiritual blessing. In Biblical times, these three feasts required that you make your way to where the Tabernacle or Temple stood. As a day of humility and repentance to God, it was a time for the Jews to get their hearts, consciences and lives right before him. And two major events took place on the sixth day of Sivan or the day of Pentecost; and each one introduced a special time of spiritual stewardship to a specific revelation of God. If born before then, the baby would have a hard time breathing." Millenia later, on this day God poured out His Spirit on the people celebrating Shavuot in Jerusalem. Fall feasts are the most famous ones in the Jewish holiday cycle. He put on a temporary tabernacle a human body to dwell on this earth and offer himself as a sacrifice. I have very much enjoyed studying this topic and have been amazed at what God has hidden in 'the feasts of the Lord'! The Passover connoted the beginning of Gods plan, EPH 2:89. The first mention is when Israel as a nation was preparing to leave Egypt in the Exodus. As the dawn is spread over the mountains, {So} there is a great and mighty people; There has never been {anything} like it, Nor will there be again after it To the years of many generations. In Matthew 9:37 Jesus tells his disciples that the harvest is great, but the workers are few. Then he put the plan into place: In Acts 1:4 he tells them to wait in Jerusalem for the Holy Spirit. It is the holiest day of the year for the Jewish people. The Feast of Trumpets could have a double meaning, it could bring in the Rapture and it represents the termination of the fifth cycle of discipline to Israel and the re-gathering of Israel at the Second Advent. THE FEAST OF This is a fascinating aspect of the feasts. Next, he was shown a photo of an embryo showing arms, hands, fingers, legs, feet, toes, a head, eyes, etc. The first four of the feasts: Feast of Passover, Feast of Unleavened Bread, Feast of First-Fruits, and Feast of Pentecost were fulfilled at the first advent of our Lord Jesus Christ. That is because the Hebrew calendar is slightly different from the western Gregorian calendar. During these seven days, Israel was to eat bread without leaven (leaven symbolized sin) in remembrance of their baking unleavened bread in their haste to escape Egypt. Once again a required Jewish feast was totally fulfilled by the greatest Jew of all, the Lord Jesus Christ. The book of Genesis records this date precisely as the seventeenth day of Nisan (GEN 8:4) and you can easily imagine the descendants of Noah celebrating for generations on this day, the firstfruits of their ultimate safe landing on the hills of the earth. And in the New Testament we see that Jesus born in a stable, visited by shepherds and led to the slaughter is that lamb sent for us. What Holidays Did Jesus Celebrate? So the fourth of the seven feasts of Israel took place exactly fifty days after the Feast of the Firstfruits, therefore, the name Pentecost, penta meaning fifty. - A second great event which happened on the Feast of Firstfruits, the seventeenth day of Nisan, is Israel miraculously crossed over the Red Sea. Not wanting to lead the gynecologist off from the subject at hand, he didn't say anything, but continued to listen. And there are actually three more Feasts left. I thought I had a good understanding of the feasts before I did a recent study on them but I was wrong! You shall thus consecrate the fiftieth year and proclaim a release through the land to all its inhabitants. WebTHE 1ST DAY OF THE FEAST OF TABERNACLES is on Monday, October 10th at sundown through Tuesday, October 11th (service at 1PM). The unleavened bread symbolized the purging out of the sins of pagan Egypt. It is to be a Sabbath of complete rest to you, and you shall humble your souls; on the ninth of the month at evening, from evening until evening you shall keep your Sabbath. Are believers told to keep the feasts today? In Biblical times, the year would begin in early Spring. My understanding was very limited compared to what I discovered! And I will place them and multiply them, and will set My sanctuary in their midst forever. The unleavened bread was to be buried just like our Lord Jesus Christ was the unleavened bread of life buried into the ground. It seems the more you study this topic the more it opens and reveals new revelation! Christs age of thirty-three and a half years at His death on the Feast of Passover, as evidenced by the historical information we have available would correspond precisely to this birth date of the fifteenth day of Tishri, the Feast of Tabernacles. She holds a Bachelor degree in Communications and Media from Azusa Pacific University (California, USA), and a Master degree in Journalism from University of Warsaw, Poland. After the conclusion of the ten plagues, the Egyptian Pharaoh finally let the people go. (11) I fear for you, that perhaps I have labored over you in vain. This became a symbol of their slavery that was transformed into their freedom by the miraculous redemptive act of God, known forever as the Exodus. Copyright 2023 Robert McLaughlin Bible Ministries | Powered by JT Digital Creatives, Click the File Folder to Download Your PDF. The biblical calendar reckons the beginning of a new day from sunset as God did at creation. The Hebrews who believed God to keep them safe were protected from death by the blood of the lamb on their doorposts. Zola thought, "That's the Day of Atonement, when the blood was taken into the Holy of holies!" Let all the inhabitants of the land tremble, For the day of the Lord is coming; Surely it is near, day of darkness and gloom, A day of clouds and thick darkness. Later, that meal became known as the Last Supper, and it happened the night before His crucifixion. But God has given them for a far greater reason that that. The Sabbath month is called Tishri, the seventh month, Sept to Oct. 1 Corinthians 5:7-8 Clean out the old leaven so that you may be a new lump, just as you are in fact unleavened. After God created man and woman, before they even got a chance to rule over creation, He invited them to rest. On this day, Israels rejected Messiah will finally be accepted by the nation He chose. Doctrine pertinent to the Church-age is intercalated by the New Testament epistles. The Lord will fight for you while you keep silent.. The 7 Feasts of Israel are certainly among the best of the all Bible studies. Christians can freely celebrate the Jewish feasts (feasts of the Bible) out of a desire to know Gods character. This was a reminder to the Jews that, always under free enterprise, there is opportunity for new business. Each feast is also prophetic! Looking back from the vantage point of our history, we discover specific prophesied events were fulfilled on the exact feast days that God instituted to commemorate the events. People are instructed to clean out the yeast out of their homes and only eat bread without leaven, called matzah. That is when the destruction of Antichrist at the Battle of Armageddon by the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. There are three annual feasts that the Lord commanded all of Israel to celebrate in Jerusalem Passover, Shavuot (Pentecost) and Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles). There are a few Hebrew words for feast. One is Chag, which means to circle, as in to circle dance or feast. After 430 years they were faced with either imminent disaster or salvation from the slavery and bondage of Egypt. The next picture showed the embryo at seven months. Remembering the giving of the law (Torah) on Sinai, The coming of the Holy Spirit to indwell believers, Dependence: Walking in the fullness of the Holy Spirit and following the law of the spirit of life, The rapture and resurrection of believers. During the five month lapse, there was the grape, olive, fig, and date harvest. As soon as the new moon was sighted in eastern Israel, the watchers would trumpet the signal from hill to hill until the signal finally reached the Temple. Join the 28,126 who get encouraging articles, an exclusive insider view, and connect with what God is doing in Israel every week. It was on that exact day that God made a Covenant with Abraham regarding the Promised Land, GEN 15:18, On that day [this is the same day the Passover is celebrated] the Lord made a covenant with Abram, saying, To your descendants I have given this land, From the river of Egypt as far as the great river, the river Euphrates: Abraham, the father of the Jewish race was removed from his home and led to a strange land which God promised He would deed to Abrahams descendants forever. Stand by and see the salvation of the Lord which He will accomplish for you today; for the Egyptians whom you have seen today, you will never see them again forever. The Seven Festivals of the Messiah - Edward Chumney (this is a very detailed book which will be very useful if you want to study this topic in a lot more detail. So we are not under any legal obligation to keep the feasts (festivals) because they were a shadow of the reality that is in Christ. The Feast of the Trumpets ( Lev. ACT 1:3-4, To these He also presented Himself alive, after His suffering, by many convincing proofs, appearing to them over a period of forty days, and speaking of the things concerning the kingdom of God. For if the blood of goats and bulls and the ashes of a heifer sprinkling those who have been defiled, sanctify for the cleansing of the flesh, how much more will the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered Himself without blemish to God, cleanse your conscience from dead works to serve the living God? In the Bible, when was the first mention of any of the feasts? This feast lasted for seven days, and it occurred immediately after the Passover. The Apostle Paul was thinking of this same principle when he said in 1CO 5:7, Clean out the old leaven, that you may be a new lump, just as you are in fact unleavened. 42 You shall dwell in [ g]booths for seven days. At the appointed time I will return to you, at this time next year, and Sarah shall have a son. The Lord confirmed His covenant with Abraham on the first Passover. The establishment of the Jewish Holy Days was given to Moses by Jehovah, Himself. They were not given to any other nation nor were they given to the Church. Celebration always follows the Day of Atonement. But for seven days you shall present an offering by fire to the Lord. The gynecologist continued, "On the tenth day of the seventh month, the hemoglobin of the blood changes from that of the mother, to a self-sustaining baby." During Passover, while the Lord sent the destroyer to slay all the first born of Egypt, the children of Israel prepared to leave Egypt in a hurry. These were appointed times for all Jews to come to Jerusalem. And Zola thought, "That's the festival of Tabernacles, a time of celebrating the Temple, home of the Shekinah glory or Spirit of God." Each month is determined by the phases of the moon. To make atonement is to make restitution for wrongs committed. For the first time, it can hear and distinguish sounds outside the womb." It is to remember the Hebrews journey through the desert. Part 2 of the booklet was a fascinating account of how the feasts relate to the development of the baby in the womb. WebThe "Seven Feasts" may be divided into two sections of "four" and "three." (8) Therefore let us celebrate the feast, not with old leaven, nor with the leaven of malice and wickedness, but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth. Forget Home and Garden or People magazines my eyes eagerly searched for the familiar time-waster of trying to find Waldo in the midst of the messy crowd. 1) The Messianic significance: This is the work of Jesus Christ at His first coming as well as what He will do leading up to His return and kingdom rule. Purim is observed in the last month of the Hebrew Calendar (Adar), which leads us back into spring. Amen. Consecration: Living in newness of life as a New Creation in Christ and offering ourselves back to Him. Day of Atonement in Hebrew is called Yom Kippur. Please select your language below. This was a reminder of the importance of free enterprise. What should we focus on as we study these feasts? Fall Feasts: A Complete Guide to the Jewish High Holidays, Celebrating the Biblical Feasts: Jesus and Passover, Shavuot and Pentecost: Tongues of Fire and 70 Languages. There was no time for the leaven to cause the dough to rise, so they were forced to carry unleavened bread as their only food. It is no mere coincidence that our Lord was sacrificed on Passover. With God, things are precise and perfect and as we shall see, so is the fulfillment of these feasts! This is displayed in the following table: Or, to display it a little differently, here is a chart that shows the order, separation and prophetic significance of each feast. The Dedication of Solomons Temple was on the Feast of Tabernacles. Watchful/Warfare: Living in view of His imminent return. And if you have heard the Good News from the New Testament and received Jesus as your Savior, Old Testament prophecies and symbolism provide further proof and assurance that Jesus is the Christ, the son of the living God. WebThe 7. feast in the 7. month takes 7 days. The Lord himself was with the Israelites in the desert, in a tented temple called the tabernacle, so the feast also celebrates his presence as he tabernacles (dwells) with us. But the richness of Gods Word is that it often reveals a deeper truth if you know where to look. The Day of Atonement was to be observed every year. Israel Saved from Annihilation in 1973, Yom Kippur War. THE FEAST OF UNLEAVENED BREAD 3. The Beginning of the Kingdom Age, the Millennium. In fact there are verses of warning when believers go back under these and other aspects of the law in an attempt to win favour and righteousness with God. Both Daniel (9:27) and the book of Revelation (12:6) confirm that the period of the Great Tribulation. And to show this transfer was occurring, some were permitted to come out of their tombs, take their former bodies in resuscitation, and announced it in the city. Weve put this guide together for you so that you have all you need to know about these holidays that God calls His own. The Hebrew word for convocation is mik-rah. Strongs Concordance describes this word as something called out, i.e., a public meeting (the act, the persons, or the place). Unleavened bread portrayed the Hypostatic Union of Christ, for Jesus Christ is called the Bread of Life. During the celebration of Passover, the father takes three loaves of the unleavened bread and places them in a special white linen envelope which has three compartments. Jesus in the 7 Feasts of the Lord: An Introduction and Overview. Leviticus 25 describes this celebration: LEV 25:9-10, You shall then sound a rams horn abroad on the tenth day of the seventh month; on the day of atonement you shall sound a horn all through your land. The Old Testament reveals prophetic doctrine that covered the time until the session of Christ, then it skips the Church-age, and resumes with revelation about the Tribulation, Second Advent, and Millennium. God is in charge! Christ will return with the blowing of the seventh trumpet (Revelation 11:15). God revealed so much of Himself in the biblical celebrations. 9. Ok nothing to see here move on! The joyous Feast of Tabernacles is the third (out of three) pilgrimage holiday. Bottom to top, side to side: the motion formed a cross. Once he returns, there will be a wedding feast of celebration. For the Jews of his time, understanding the Old Testament was key to discovering that Jesus is their promised Messiah. Once incorporated, yeast becomes an inseparable part of the bread; the same is true for sins effect on our lives. The Passover was held during the time of the latter rains or the barley harvest. Commemorating a victory of the Jewish people over their Greek oppressor, the holiday also celebrates a sanctification of the Temple. The message spread to both Jews and Gentiles (the two leavened loaves of bread), extending the harvest to us! It is one that will only become all the more important as we edge closer to the return of Jesus Christ and the fulfillment of these feasts. The Church-age is the intensified stage of the angelic conflict. So it occurred sometime during the first week in June. God gave very specific directions for counting the proper number of days until the Feast of Harvest which we refer to as Pentecost. ), Unlocking the secrets of the Feasts - Michael Norton (a smaller, quicker read but with some interesting information), After the Rapture - Jerry L. Dart (a very comprehensive book on Bible prophecy/end times in general but includes useful information on the 'days of awe' between the feast of Trumpets and the day of Atonement.). That is why the holiest day of the week the Sabbath rightfully identified as Saturday, starts being celebrated on Friday evening. As mentioned there are four feasts in the spring and three in the autumn with a four month gap in between. In giving the Law for His people, God set several appointed feasts of the Lord for Israel to observe at specific times during the year, according to Lev 23. 8. Thats when they began the first of many complaints to Moses: EXO 14:11-12, Then they said to Moses, Is it because there were no graves in Egypt that you have taken us away to die in the wilderness? This is why in DEU 16:3 the bread eaten during the Feast of Unleavened Bread is called the bread of affliction. This unpleasant tasting bread symbolized all the burden and affliction in Egypt. - On days 1521 was the Feast of Tabernacles. The gynecologist continued, "Around the fiftieth day, the embryo takes on the form of a human being. WebThe Seven Feasts of the Lord - Robert McLaughlin Bible Ministries Click the File Folder to Download Your PDF OR Read Online Below Grace Bible Church The Seven feats of the It represented the re-gathering of Israel. And now with the seven Feasts of Israel they have a chart into the future. Sign up to receive the free devotional. The seven feasts in Lev 23 were to be celebrated annually: Passover, Unleavened Bread; First Fruits; Pentecost; Trumpets, Atonement, and then Tabernacles. The Passover ceremony of breaking and burying the bread, the middle piece representing the Son of God, very obviously presents the impeccable person of Christ even after He was judged for our sins. The Feast of Trumpets begins on the first day of Tishri in the fall (September-October). Considering the phenomenon that over forty major events in Israels spiritual history have occurred on the anniversary dates of Biblical feast or fast days, it is more than probable that the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ also followed this pattern and occurred on the anniversary of the Feast of Tabernacles. I have also read smaller pamphlets on the Feasts by Jewish believers Arnold Fructenbaum and Zola Levitt which were useful. In the Bible, who came up with the idea of having feasts? 35 On the first day shall be a holy convocation; you shall not do any ordinary work. The feasts are split into two groups that can be summarised as the spring and autumn (fall) feasts. Passover and Unleavened Bread: redemption from death (new creation) and commitment to simplicity and trust in Gods power to provide food in the wilderness Firstfruits and Weeks: celebrating the gift of produce from the land Trumpets: announcing the sabbatical (seventh) month Day of Atonement: Gods renewing the holiness of his Eden If you believed Moses, you would believe Me; for He wrote of Me. John 5:46. All who are native Israelites shall dwell in booths, 43 that your generations may know Next, the gynecologist said, "Within two to six days, the fertilized egg attaches itself to the wall of the womb and begins to grow." WebTHE SEVEN ANNUAL SACRED FEASTS OF THE OLD COVENANT: And their fulfillment in Jesus Christ THE SEVEN ANNUAL SACRED FEASTS OF THE OLD COVENANT AND On Shavuot, God gave Moses and the people of Israel His law. Now, this is simply an overview and introduction to the series. (23:44), Leviticus 23 briefly covers all of the feasts of the Lord. Appendix - Jewish Holy Days: The Making of a Baby. Leaven often represents sin and decay in the Bible. I think you'll find it as amazing as I did as it testifies to the One who designed both! On this day, the tenth day of Tishri, and only on this day (HEB 9:7), the High Priest would enter the Most Holy of Holies in the Temple, the place where the Shekinah glory dwelt. Many spend the day on intensive prayer, asking God for forgiveness. It was a reminder that God has provided through free enterprise the only basis for sustaining a nation. On this night God completed the last and most terrible of the ten plagues against Egypt with the destroyer killing the firstborn of Egypt. There are several Christian holidays that famously correspond with Jewish ones. What we commonly refer to as the Jewish feasts should more appropriately be called Biblical Feasts or Feasts of the Lord. Especially, since in the Bible God calls these festivals simply His own. But, as "the Lord's appointed times", we can learn a great deal from them as we shall see. EXO 19:10-11, The Lord also said to Moses, Go to the people and consecrate them today and tomorrow, and let them wash their garments; and let them be ready for the third day, for on the third day the Lord will come down on Mount Sinai in the sight of all the people. LEV 23:5, In the first month [Nisan, our April], on the fourteenth day of the month at twilight [6:00 PM] is the Lords Passover. Leviticus 23:2 Speak to the Israelites and say to them: 'These are my appointed feasts, the appointed feasts of the LORD, which you are to proclaim as sacred assemblies. God revealed in His Word that even though He mysteriously works outside of our timeframe, He works with it for our benefit, and wants us to be mindful of it. WebGrouping of 7 Main Feasts: Spring: Passover, Unleavened Bread, Firstfruits Late Spring: Weeks / Pentecost (50 days after Firstfruits) Fall: Trumpets, Atonement, Tabernacle The Spring Feasts OT Background Passover (Exodus 12; Leviticus 23; Number 9; Deuteronomy 16; 2 Chronicles 30, 25) Exodus 12 (summary): In terms of the timing of these feasts, are they split in any way? 23:6-8 And on the fifteenth day of the same month is the Feast of Unleavened Bread to the LORD; seven days you must eat God said the month of Passover was the first month of the year. For it would have been better for us to serve the Egyptians than to die in the wilderness.. Observant Jews still celebrate them now. 1. There are historically important events which have happened on the Feast of Firstfruits, the seventeenth day of Nisan. To those at Colossae Paul wrote: 8. Web3 FEAST OF UNLEAVENED BREAD Lev. Zola knew that was the date for the Jewish Festival of Trumpets. All rights reserved. ZEC 12:10, And I will pour out on the house of David and on the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the Spirit of grace and of supplication, so that they will look on Me whom they have pierced; and they will mourn for Him, as one mourns for an only son, and they will weep bitterly over Him, like the bitter weeping over a firstborn. Four feasts occur in the spring and are connected to Jesus' first appearance on earth. Repentance: Before the Lord and yielding ourselves up to Him. But let's start with a series of questions to get the grey matter firing (or maybe misfiring as the case may be! Through Jesus, this plan was revealed. 10. Is this not the word that we spoke to you in Egypt, saying, Leave us alone that we may serve the Egyptians? Only the Messiah, the perfect sinless sacrifice, could offer a permanent solution. In 1 Corinthians 15:20 Paul refers to Jesus as the first fruits of the dead. At the feast of Tabernacles, Satan and his demons are gone, Rev 20. The first section includes the "Passover," the Feasts of "Unleavened Bread," of "First-Fruits" and The Feast of Atonement, LEV 23:2632. Full Study List | Jesus in The 7 Feasts of The Lord Bible Study - Over Aaron, the High Priest, made Atonement for Israel for the First Time in the Wilderness. EXO 12:41, And it came about at the end of four hundred and thirty years, to the very day, that all the hosts of the Lord went out from the land of Egypt.