2. Psa 22: 29. 1 Corinthians 3:4, Father by your mercy destroy the stronghold of disunity and divisions in the body of Christ in Jesus name, Father please let there be unity and oneness in your church in Jesus name. Father, establish the heart of all our children in Your precepts in the name of Jesus. People want to work but cant find any job. Matthew 12:30, Lord, give Your church divine direction, in Jesus name. Acts 16:16. TOPIC: YOUTHS For there to be revival in the church of God, the church must become very prayerful. Adeboye. In Jesus name.Attract resources and finances in Jesus name. And it came to pass, as they still went on, and talked, that, behold, there appeared a chariot of fire, and horses of fire, and parted them both asunder; and Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven. A wonder is an unusual occurrence, a miracle that make people to marvel. Isaiah 43:19. And if you are a true child of God all you need to do in order to be productive is to abide in the Lord who gave the command. Father grant me life and favour, and let thy visitation preserved my spirit from evil in Jesus name Job 10:12. Father never allow us to be greedy in our business, help us to always pay our first fruit, tithe and offering. BIBLE TEXT(S): PSALM 95,107:23, JOHN 16:5-15, PROVERBS 22:29, DEUTERONOMY 8:18. Every problem and affliction that has mastered my prayer methods and has developed immunity against my prayers be consumed by the fire of the Holy Ghost, in Jesus name. TOPIC: CHILDREN Knowing well that, though man may plan and prepare, but the outcome of a matter is of God. Take me to the place of honour in Jesus name. DAY 7: TUESDAY 17TH OF JANUARY 22. Pray earnestly for people to be willing to repent. 2. Job 5:22. Rom 8:15, I bind every spirit of fear, timidity and unbelief attacking my faith. 8. BIBLE TEXT(S): James 1:2-3. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". Job 22:28. 2, Father we thank you for who you are, the Almighty, the one who speak of a thing and it comes into existence. It is our duty to pray in order to reap the positive sides of those prophesies, DAY 14: TUESDAY 24TH JANUARY BIBLE TEXT: Eph 5:20, Psa 103:1-end. Father from now on deliver me from the spirit of anxieties and depression that can cause suicide in the name of Jesus. Numbers 23:1-2. Isaiah 44:25, Job.5:12. Ecclesiastes 12:1. Let us pray for Nigeria and other nations holding elections this year. 1 Peter 5:7. Father, I thank you for your ever-abiding presence I enjoyed in all my ways in Jesus name. The sun shall not smite thee by day, nor the moon by night. It is not negotiable; it is a command. And he said, Thou hast asked a hard thing: nevertheless, if thou see me when I am taken from thee, it shall be so unto thee; but if not, it shall not be so. Father, because of your word in John 16:33 to me, I therefore exercise dominion over every spirit of failure, defeat and depression, and suicide in Jesus Name. Psalm 103:2, Father, we thank you for the level our educational standard has reached now. Father, please I retrieve back my glory from the hand of household and territorial enemies, in Jesus name. DAY 26: SUNDAY 5TH FEBRUARY Father, let every challenge, hindrance, and obstacle of getting these prayer points across to Your children, timely, and on daily basis be removed, in Jesus' name. RCCG Fasting And Prayer Points 2023 - Day 1 to 50 RCCG 50 Days Fasting And Prayer Points 2023 RCCG begins annual prayer and fasting for Read More RCCG FASTING PRAYER POINTS TUESDAY 28TH FEBRUARY 2023 - DAY 49 RCCG 2023 JANUARY FASTING PRAYER POINTS DAY 49 - TUESDAY 28 FEBRUARY 2023. Lord, just like You stood for Job against the accuser, father stay and fight for me in my days of trials, in Jesus name. Risingglobaltemperatures, caused by climate change, is bringing major changes across the world. Father, every satanic power that have joined their hands together that our children will never succeed in life be disappointed in the name of Jesus. Required fields are marked *. RCCG FASTING PRAYER POINTS TUESDAY 28TH FEBRUARY 2023 DAY 49, JOYCE MEYER DAILY DEVOTIONAL 28TH FEBRUARY 2023 HIGH PRAISES OF GOD. Let us thank God the author and finisher of our faith for protection over all the workers on site. Father, we thank You for the level our educational standard has reached now. BIBLE TEXT(S) : EXODUS 15:26, JAMES 5:15, PSALM 107:20-21, 1 PETER 2:24. Father, I destroy upon this mountain, the spirit of premature death that is following your people about in Jesus name Isaiah 25:8. 11. Revelation 20:19, 6. Job 5:12, Let us pray that God will choose for us leaders that will rule in righteousness and fear of God. Isaiah 43:19, Father, please terminate any evil transfer from parents to their children, in Jesus name. Lord help me to live above sin, in Jesus name. Psalm 118:17, Father, by your mercy deliver us from destruction and deliver all who are appointed to die prematurely, in Jesus name. Pray that God will visit all those oppressing and persecuting believers with judgment as He visited Pharaoh in Jesus name. We must never stop praying as prayer is the only sure way to escape the trials of life. Every evil covenant we have entered into through sexual sin break now in Jesus name 1 Corinthians 6:15-17. Psalm 72:4, 13. Father, deliver me from committing sexual sin with my eyes Matthew 5:28 in Jesus name. A case study is that of Moses in Deu 32:51-52, because of the sin of anger that he committed at the wilderness of Zin at Kadesh when he smote the rock instead of speaking to it. BIBLE TEXT(S): REVELATION 14:8, 17:2, 18:3, MATTHEW 5:32, 1 CORINTHIAN 6:18. Ephesians 6:12, Father we thank you for the economy of our nations. John 9:1-9, Father, please endow all out youths with power from on high Luk2 4:49, Father, please as David defeated Goliath in his days let all our youths defeat every Goliath assigned against them 1 samuel 17, Father, please satisfy the youths with good things of life Psalm 103:5, Father, please destroy every spirit of weariness and tiredness in the life of our youths. 1 John 2:15-17. Exodus 15:11. Mark 11:23-24, AY 42: TUESY 21ST FEBRUARY These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. BIBLE TEXT(S): Eze 9:4-5, Gen 4:15, Gal 6:17. When prayer is effective, it avails much. Father, I commit to acknowledging You in all my ways. 1 Timothy 4:14. Father, I thank you for the whole world is full of your wonders, in Jesus name. Submit yourself and your personal petitions to God. INTRODUCTION:It is never the will of God for any of Hischildren to be sick. 2 Kings 2:9-12. BIBLE TEXT(S): PSALM 91:1-16, 2 SAMUEL 22: 3-20, Psalm 91:1-2. Job 5:12. In Psalm 127:3 the word of God says that children are the heritage of the Lord. Every counsel of evil against my rising, be scattered, in Jesus name. The one in March is always special because we gather together to appreciate God for the birthday of Daddy G.O., our esteemed father in the Lord and the commencement of the SPECIAL HOLY GHOST SERVICE. Only the living can face trials and overcome. Destiny is Gods purpose for your life. Terrorism is a major challenge today in many nations of the world. Submission to scriptural principles, however, keeps the relationship strong and vibrant till the end. Psalm 91:10, Father, please preserve our going out and coming in from this time forth and evermore, in Jesus name. DAY 11: SATURDAY 21ST JANUARY Matt 5:16, Father: Make me truly like Jesus going about with power of the Holy Ghost doing good, healing the oppressed and setting the captives free in Jesus name. Psalm 35:6, Father; send deliverance now and cause us to laugh at the fall of the strongman of insurgences and terrorist groups in Jesus name. Proverbs 22:6, 4. Father; I thank You for giving me dominion over all the works of Your hands in Jesus name Genesis 1:26. My Father, by the power in the death and resurrection of Jesus, I overcome every spirit of depression or defeat in Jesus name. 1 Kings 16:34, Father, God, thank you for your unfailing love, blessings and goodness upon our youths. Let us pray that God will continue to guide the electorate not to be deceived, and to make wise and godly decisions. Psa 18:50, Father, give me the grace to separate myself from all alcoholic friends in Jesus name. Oh Lord, You enabled Esther, Joseph, Levi to fulfil their destinies. Father, consume by the fire of Holy Ghost every garment of strife and violence that enemies have put on our marriage. I command my star to come out of obscurity and to shine. INTRODUCTION:Death is the departure of life from the body. Father, let every arrow of disagreement fired into marriages in Your church go back to sender, in the name of Jesus. 2 Samuel 13:5, Father, help all our students to learn with humility and submissiveness in Jesus name. RCCG Annual 21 Days Fasting and Prayer 2023 Click here to see prayers for today Psa 103:12, I receive redemption from every satanic mark in my body, soul and spirit in the name of Jesus.1 Pet 1:18-19, Every circle of sorrow and tears in my life be broken in the name of Jesus. Jeremiah 3:15, Father, we thank You for the early revival of the church, which brought about explosive church growth, in Jesus name.- Acts 2:47, Father, we thank You for taking RCCG from 44 parishes in Nigeria to over 180 countries all over the world, in Jesus name. Lord Jesus, You are the prince of peace, king of kings, come and reign all over the whole universe, in Jesus name. Isaiah 54:16. Lord we bind every demon assigned to scatter the works of creation on climate and weather with the blood of Jesus, in Jesus name. BIBLE TEXT(s): Psa 75:3-7, True promotion comes from God. Prayer is essential in the life of every child of God for effective ministerial life. 15. I declare in the name of Jesus that l will not die prematurely, but live to declare the works of God in the land of the living. Father, let mercy reign over judgment in my life, in Jesus name. The following are guidelines and prayer points during the period of fasting from Tuesday 3 rd November to Wednesday 2 nd December, 2020 declared by our father in the Lord; The General Overseer, Pastor E.A. Isaiah 65:25. Father please, by your mercy preserve our souls and preserve our going out and coming in, in Jesus name. Every arrow of disunity fired against your Church from the pit of hell, back to your sender in Jesus name. I refuse to be a failure in life, in Jesus name. Father, the meek You will guide in judgment and the meek You will teach Your way. I thank you for the salvation of my soul making me a partaker of the wonder of Your resurrection, in Jesus name. Copyright 2023 All rights Reserved. Father, liberate all our children that are still under satanic influence that will work against their destiny. Acts 12:8, Father, let the power of the Holy Ghost manifest in Your church like the days of old, in Jesus name. 1Joh 4:18, Oh Lord, put inside of me the fear of God that will prolong my days on earth. Psa 136:1. Satanic priest ministering poverty into my life die by the fire of the Holy Ghost, in Jesus name. Ephesians 1:17, Father empower the Pastors to preach the word of God without diluting it in Jesus name. 1 Cor 3:10-11, Father, let the blood of Jesus uproot and wash the source of every evil marks in my life and family in Jesus name. Psalm 32:8. 5. 1 Samuel 3:1. Man was enjoying smooth fellowship with God before man sinned and fell short of the glory and mercy of God, but Gods thought towards man is of good and not of evil. Father thank you for the gift of life Deuteronomy 30:19. Lord Jesus, be the foundation of my life from now henceforth. 1 Joh.4:18. Father let Nigeria and other nations experience good governance from this time forward. Oh God of all flesh, let every gate in the heavenlies, on the earth, under the earth and under the water standing against my destiny, be shattered by the fire of the Holy Ghost in the name of Jesus. 8. PRAYER POINTS: 1. BIBLE TEXT(S): MATTHEW 28:19-20; MATTHEW 4:19. Guide me O Thou great Jehovah in Jesus name. Isaiah 27:1-3, Father, every evil pattern of my father household that is about to manifest in my life, break in the name of Jesus. BIBLE TEXT(S): HABAKKUK 3:2. The voice of the enemies will not prevail over your Church in our nation in Jesus name. Father, do not let the errors of our leaders bring disasters upon us , in Jesus name. TOPIC: GLOBAL INSURGENCES (Eph 5:20.). 3. Oh Lord arise in your mercy and renew this damaged world, in Jesus name. TOPIC: PREMATURE DEATH Let us decree against every power, principality and blood sucking demon causing accident and delay on our roads, airports before, during and after this year Special Holy Ghost Service (SHGS). Psalm 127:1-3. NEGATIVE ASPECT OF SOCIAL MEDIA BIBLE REFERENCE: Dan 12:4, Job 5:12, Prov 18:9. 10. Hebrews 9:28. Please help me to fulfil my destiny in You, in the name of Jesus. Acts 4:29, Holy Spirit, send down your Holy Ghost fire to our revival programs, in Jesus name. Father; we thank you for the relative peace that the nations of the world are enjoying now in Jesus name. BIBLE TEXT(S): GENESIS 1:26-28, GENESIS 2: 18. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. Rom 12:1-2, I plead the blood of Jesus over my body, soul and spirit in Jesus name. Sometimes it leads to suicide. to build a 3KM by 3KM auditorium. 14. Genesis 47:12, Father I thank you for divine visitation, in Jesus name. Esther 1:19. By faith, appreciate God for answered prayers. Father, raise peacemakers for the world in Jesus name. Dan 2:21. 2 Chronicles 20:9, Father; bring disaster upon all the enemies of peace and righteousness in our nation in Jesus name. Psalm 18:2. 9. BIBLE TEXT(S): PSALM 136: 1END, PSALM 101, 105. Father, in all my career let me seek the kingdom of heaven first, in the name of Jesus. Father, purge my heart from every impurity that defiles a man in Jesus name Mark 7:22-23. Psalm 25:9. 5. Psalm 98:1, Father whatever I have done that will make me not to be part of this your kingdom, please have mercy and forgive me in the name of Jesus. Ps 107:1-2, Jn3:16, 1Pet.1:5. Father, open the windows of heaven and bless your children for the completion of this project. Exodus 15:26, Father, please destroy every yoke of sicknesses and diseases in my life, in Jesus name.- Acts 10:38, Isaiah 10:27, Lord Jesus, by Your resurrection power, I overcome every sickness and disease unto death upon my life, in Jesus name. 1 Thessalonians 1:8, Father we thank you for our mother in Israel- Pastor Mrs. Folu Adeboye, for the support she is giving to the Ministry of your son, in Jesus name. 8. Psalms 92:1. Father, I confess and repent of every sin of alcoholism in my life, please show me your mercy in the name of Jesus 1Joh 1:9 10. 14.Lord we pull down and destroy every evil altar that social media has erected in the hearts of our people in Jesus name. Father, I praise and bless you for all your goodness and mercies over my life. 13. Psalms 89:5, Father I thank you for your word and your kingdom. Proverbs 24:10, 2Chronicles 15:7, Hebrews 10:38, BIBLE TEXT(S): Deuteronomy 28:12, Proverbs 6:6-11. Esther was promoted for a deliverance of many; Father please promote me for the deliverance of those who are connected to my lifting in Jesus name. Revelation 21:4, Psalm 30:5, Let us pray that God will confirm the words of Daddy G.O. Father, every spirit of alcoholism assigned to expose me to ridicule be paralyzed in Jesus name. Mat 24:48-4, My father, by your grace, I refuse to be deceived by strong drinks in Jesus name. By the power of the resurrection of Jesus, I command every buried destiny in my family to rise up, in Jesus name. BIBLE TEXT:And it came topass, when they were gone over, that Elijah said unto Elisha, Ask what I shall do for thee, before I be taken away from thee. Lord we pray that more and more will come to trust in God, find peace and love that casts out fear, in Jesus name. Failure at the edge of success is a bad spirit that is assigned to truncate the destinies of the children of God. Father, we pray for your peace to reign in all our Nations, all over the world, in Jesus name. Father I repent of every generational sin committed by my ancestors. Bring quality repentance before God; confess all sins of idolatry in your life, family and nation, in the name of Jesus. Joel 2:25, Father, whatever the enemy has stolen from me become too hot for my enemies to keep in their camp and be returned to me in Jesus name. INTRODUCTION: Every Child of God has the right to live a good life, but when individual efforts will not be sufficient to yield result, when specialists cannot help us, when no human like you can help, then we need to turn to God in our prayers for help from above. Father, whatever sin in my life and family lineage that will want to affect my children destiny, I repent of it today and let the blood of Jesus wash us clean in the name of Jesus. Genesis 1:26. Rom1:17, Father, please restore back all we have lost to the devil through fear in Jesus name. Father let the Government of Israel support the spread of the Gospel of Jesus in the Mighty Name of Jesus. Moreover, we know that it for our own good, because whatever happens in Jerusalem radiates across the whole world. It does not store any personal data. Daniel 1:20, Matthew 5:16, 10. The kingdom of God is where God rules and reigns. Psalms 3:5. Fear is the opposite of faith. Deuteronomy 29:29. The exponential growth thechurchis experiencing necessitated building a bigger Ephesians 6:16, Proverbs 4:23, Father, strengthen my spirit above my flesh, in Jesus name. Every secret hidden in the marine kingdom, affecting my elevation, be exposed and let their kingdom be disgraced, in the name of Jesus. Each year comes with its own uniqueness. INTRODUCTION:Poverty is the state of being poor. Every ancestral secret retarding my progress, be revealed, in Jesus name. Its a time that young fellow need to travail in prayers to be able to achieve his destiny and live a fulfilled life. Father, let there be confusion in the camp of the insurgents, set them against one another to help destroy themselves in Jesus name. 13. In the mighty name of Jesus, I render every evil, aggressive altars impotent in the name of Jesus. RCCG 50 Days Of Fasting and Prayer Points 2023 will be updated daily RCCG FASTING AND PRAYER POINTS 1ST MARCH 2023 DAY 50: WEDNESDAY 1ST MARCH TOPIC: DEALING WITH THE EFFECTS OF IDOLATRY IN THE LAND AND IN OUR LIVES BIBLE TEXT (S): EXODUS 20:3-6, DEUTERONOMY 4:15-19, DEUTERONOMY 13:6-11 All the destructive plans of the enemy against Jerusalem be thwarted, cancelled with the blood of Jesus, in Jesus name. Acts 2:41, Matthew 10:1. Pro. Father, give us strength to pray every day for the success of our businesses in the name of Jesus. Mat 18:18, Father, deliver me from the spirit of alcoholism in Jesus name. I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress; my God in him will I trust., DAY 18: SATURDAY 28TH JANUARY Joe 2:25, In the name of Jesus Christ, I shall not fall into the bondage of fear again. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. 11. 4. 14. Matt 15:13, 10. Lord arise in Your power and touch all the people behind the problems of my life. I have chosen life; therefore, I and every member of my family shall live in Jesus name. Oh God of all flesh, arise and silence forever every evil mouth pronouncing evil into my destiny, in the name of Jesus. 4. Oh Lord give unto me the Spirit of revelation and wisdom in the knowledge of Yourself, in Jesus name. Father, the wisdom I need for me to train up my children in the fear of God, I receive it in the name of Jesus. TOPIC: GODLY PARENTING Father, please, I release unto us every idea we needed to advance in our business in the name of Jesus. Father, connect me to those that can lift me up, in Jesus name. 3. 1 Samuel 5:2-5, Father, restore to me every divine virtue, I and every member of my family have lost for the past years, in Jesus name. Revelation 3:8, Father; I thank you for keeping every member of my family alive in Jesus name. Deuteronomy 8:18. Psa 105:13-15, Father, I receive the mark of protection from you in the name of Jesus. Lord. Romans 8:28, DAY 36: WEDNESDAY 15TH FEBRUARY Every dark power sitting on my prosperity die, in Jesus name. The sure foundation of our life is Jesus Christ. Father, we worship you because you are the owner of our soul in Jesus name. Our Father in Heaven we ask that you will grant wisdom and courage to the world leaders on climate and weather management, in Jesus name. Father, I am tired of the valley, by your power take me to the mountain top of my life, ministry and career in Jesus name. Father, as Your hand was with Isaac let Your hand be with me for favour, in Jesus name. TOPIC: FULFILLING DIVINE PURPOSE For everyone over 70 except the General Overseer, you are exempted. 2 Chronicles 34:24, Father; give us listening ears to your instructions so that we can dwell safely and secure in Jesus name. And he saw him no more: and he took hold of his own clothes, and rent them in two pieces. Help me to be productive in my career, in Jesus name. Lord we will thank you for your excellent spirit Dan 5:12, that you have made our portion, in Jesus name. This project requires huge capital and requires payers to remove all forms of obstacles and delays. Sexual sins include: Fornication, adultery, sexual lust, incest, homosexuality, lesbianism, masturbation, prostitution etc. It is the act of exalting anything or man above the sovereignty of the Almighty God. John 4:48, 5:1-9, Father, release your anointing of healing into your church, let the blind see, let the lame work, let the dumb speak, let the deaf hear and the dead rise in Jesus name. Evil secret activities currently affecting my life, be exposed and disgraced, in the name of Jesus. If the Church of Jesus Christ must operate positively and successfully in this end times she must be united in serious prayer continually, there must be love and unity. Joshua 6:20, I shall succeed; nothing shall pull me down in Jesus name. Father, help me in all my decisions to depend on Your counsel, in Jesus name. Proverbs 23:23, Let us pray that all those who are seeking power by fetish means will be disappointed. DAY 31: FRIDAY 10TH FEBRUARY Deut. In Jesus name; I reject and resist every weapon fashioned against me and my family, they shall not prosper. 2 Kings 6:15-17, Father, please dont allow any evil to befall us in any journey we embark upon, in Jesus name. 9. Father, silence every voice of poverty speaking against my life. January 11-February 29. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Oh Lord, remove spiritual cataract from my eyes, in Jesus name.