She picked him up carefully, trying not to hurt him. My Lord, why were we summoned here? Chiron enquired, trotting forward. She could feel how worried and nervous he was. His heart hammering in his chest. Yes you are. small His form shimmered to one of someone 11 or 12 years old. She entered the tent, Artemis and Thalia were speaking, she only heard a few words. And why did the four go back in time? Meeting is adjourned.. I still am.. but you are being protective of me now. Artemis nearly choked on her nectar. (Had she met this boy somewhere? Your safe now Pollo Go to sleep He shifted for a moment, trying to fight the spell. She didn't really mind, ambrosia and nectar wouldn't make him sick unless he ate far more than this. He turned to look at there father, who was now calmly sitting on his throne. Gods from many mythologies have done a lot of injustice so far. The third stayed in one piece. 14. Besides that, Apollo was still sickly pale. hadn't I knew you were planning on turning him mortal but this?!?. He was in her tent he realized with a jolt. Shhh.. Her brother, her LITTLE brother, Apollo, was curled in the fetal position, sobbing. Artemis and Aphrodite were having the smackdown of the century on the topic of romantic love. Im not going anywhere little bro.. I am not! Her voice was quite a few octaves higher than normal. It had been nearly 5 months since he had been seen on Olympus or otherwise. What happened to him? Artemis was out searching for fragments of her brothers consciousness to try to convince him to hurry the fuck up. Plague Spirits and Reaching Camp - Percy When one wants to make a goddess psychotic, you can do it much as you would to any dog or human for that matter. I had no way of regaining energy. wont let me.. How?. She always hated how little she could do to heal him when hes hurt. Artemis snapped. Hey Apollo? (Hephaestus bet on Apollo, Ares bet on Dionysus. My body simply stopped functioning after a while. She was never going to let Zeus hurt him again. (See the end of the chapter for more notes.). Aphrodite wasn't here, and Hera didn't care. Is.. Artemis here? he asked. When Nico and Will announce that they have to leave for a quest leading them to Tartarus, Apollo searches the company of his children and friends, especially that of Meg McCaffrey. She could feel the tears gathering in her eyes. I was confused and everything hurt so badly .I had lost my immortality almost completely.. All but the faintest golden touch to my.. Yes you idiotit's ard tho..Don't wanna ome back.. Only make things worseNo you don't. 12. Thank you. Hermes heard a the loud crack of lightning from the throne room. Mostly just the Olympians (and Hades + Persephone) but some other characters like Medusa or someone else might pop in now and then. You have been torturing Apollo and stripping away his immortality. I could feel my arm bruising under her punishing grip. For Apollo: Helios, the Titan of the Sun. He didn't just ask, He would say something like they there gorgeous, do you know where my darling sister is? Never just a simple question. Not by a long shot. She knelt next to him, unsure of what to do. I was scared that he would hurt you because if he did it would be my fault. happen again. He didn't smile often, but when he did he lit up the room. He needed to get away from this forsaken place. Thalia stared at them, her eyes wide with shock and disbelief. The flames wavered and formed into the vision of Apollo. A golden net covered him, and the stench of Greek fire filled the air. I think that when I first started screaming for you to help me.. he laughed weakly, no humor involved Father had just hit me with his Master Bolt and- that was the final straw before I gave up. Athena bet on neither, since immortal gods dont actually need to blink.) He stared at it for a moment before he grabbed it, drinking it like he hadn't had any in months- a chilling thought coming over her. Thalia refrained from asking questions until she saw a familiar looking burn decorating his stomach. He was shaking and crying and Artemis was Hali Davis is a daughter of Poseidon who was raised by Artemis till age five. Violent sobs racked his small, almost mortal frame. Not that I could before, hence that I was at my physical limit.. A game day outing between friends, acquaintances, and nemeses. The younger Apollo looked, the worse he felt. A heartbroken Apollo is assigned a group of followers. She wasn't all that surprised Apollo was appearing like this, just.. Yes no maybe, he didn't talk much. Artemis wept "Percy, come on you can pull through this." All I could physically manage was to lay there in the fire unable to heal or move He absentmindedly sipped some nectar. Their powers are as formidable as their parents, but they have one major downside: Unlike the latter, they hate each other. I shot Artemis a wary look. Thank you.. She smiled at him gently, ruffling his hair, He shook his head and tried to fix his hair. So you're telling me all these years you ennjoyyyyed my haikus?, Oh HADES no. Artemis helped him to the cot He sat down with a dull thud and a hiss of pain. An awkward silence came over them. Mentally and spiritually soul-bonded identical twin elf-fairy-pixies Sparkcaster (sister) and Sparkmaster (brother) have to pass a Halloween exam for supernatural trick-or-treaters. Artemis felt anger surge forward inside of her. It doesn't help he doesn't quite remember until it's too late. It had been three months since Zeus vaporized Apollo, and Olympus was unusually quiet. He sat up again when he heard the tent flap open, Thalia Grace was staring at him. Finally it started to show with my body. Look, its been a long day. Just the need to protect. You are the only one prohibited entry into my tent until I say otherwise. She knew what had happened before they sat down and he showed her the broken remains of her brothers choice weapon. Continue, Um At what I would assume to be 5 months.. All I was really aware of after a while was pain as my mind tried to fit into my new mortal form. It definitely seemed that way with Apollo and Artemis., Pandora Andromeda Jackson better known as Pearl Jackson and Perseus Achilles Jackson better known as Percy Jackson ended up getting involved in even more problems, For some unknown reason they ended up going back to ancient Greece but precisely to the competition of Athena and Poseidon to find out who would be the patron saint of the city, And for some strange reason they stopped being mortal but they weren't alone Jason Grace son of Jupiter and Nico di Angelo son of hades also appeared in ancient Greece some time later. Demeter stared at Apollo, her hand raised to make a shield of some sort of plant if Zeus were to fire upon the boy. Zeus Was going to turn him into a mortal.. And.. Well Artemis said. On cue, the Hunters let forth a volley of arrows that sank into the monster's heated flesh. I'M OLDER! She whisper screamed triumphantly. Leto smiles at her son "I'm fine Apollo but I believe you have a meeting to attend." At that Apollo rubbed the back of his neck in embarrassment. How their parents would often berate them for being rude to each other. He looked as weakened at he had all those years ago. His violent sobs slowed as she tried to comfort him. I'm not going to kill you. ever Master/Slave. And they were not stupid. She looked like Zeus. Hermes tried to cheer him up occasionally, but as the messenger god was so swamped with work he could only stay around for a bit. Artemis opens her mouth to protest but hes right. I'll most probably update this soon enough, but until then you can always find me on my tumblr, See ya! But anyone could see that was a blatant lie. Please consider turning it on! Newcomers - Hestia The Moon was born to hunt the Sun; the Sun was born to eat the Moon. He sounded terrified and A look of terror passed over his face as he seemed to realize something. Conversation, Part Two (Apollo and the Muses) - And I just.. Ares distracted him long enough for me to get away and.. and I.. Now that it was just the gods in the room, Hermes sighed, Well, that was certainly aneventful meeting.. He hardly even looked up from the ground. Artemis tended to think long and hard on a lot of things but, at this point in her life, she could not seem to find the wherewithal to care about it. All of them took Apollos side, making the vote 9 to 2. He looked around wildly, there was a thick quilt covering him, he gripped it tightly and laid back down. I mean yes, your assumption is correct. He wanted to but he didn't want to at the same time. little brother Artemis stared at him, a smile making it's way across her face. Before he could pull away he had breathed it in. That he would stay scattered for as long as he could. I strongly recommend reading that one before you read this. She needed to make sure nothing like this would Poseidon yawned and looked ready to fall asleep. It is the Winter Solstice of the year 2009. Aphrodite said. she had for lack of a better word, given up. Shocked. Work Search: And I miss you, I know it's hard but you can do itokay fine. Now Zeus was pointing his master bolt at the younger god. Try again. Apollo smiled, and shook his head, a sly smirk appearing on his face. If there was any day he would do so, it would be today. you don't need to continue if you don't want to Artemis started. Maybe she is not sex-repulsed but she doesn't know that yet. So just beforeOk, thank you. He then quickly turned back around and went to follow the rest of the group. His deepest desire unconsciously slipping out like his tears. But finally she spoke When did I..?. You want me to take you to your palace? He shook his head. Artemis looked so relieved that she might go and hug him. Also, i'm not sorry for slapping you. She would never mind for something like this. My body was at it's limit. And no. It had been so long since Artemis had seen that smirk that she didn't even care. This is not supposed to happen. She gave birth to first, a girl who she would name Phoebe Artemis. All he could see in her was her blue eyes. Artemis is the Greek virgin goddess of the hunt, archery, wilderness, animals, forests, the Moon, radiance, maidenhood, and childbirth. He fell forward into Artemiss waiting arms with a whimper. Why would I? Thundered Zeus, furious that his council meeting had been interrupted. 6 months Apollo went silent.6 months Zeus refused to tell Artemis where her brother was.She can feel how terrified he is.Enough is enough.Unlike in the last fic, Apollo doesnt get turned mortal.Instead, Artemis saved him.Apollo isnt okay.And Artemis is pissed. Im right here, okay? Apollo showing up at her camp randomly became an occurrence even more common than before. Almost like hes Apollos eyes widened. Tomorrow, the girls would be back and life could go back to normal. He whispered something under his breath that Artemis didn't catch. He was shaking and crying and Artemis was. He started by draining the Ichor out of my body.. Years since she was cradling Apollo to her chest as he sobbed. Artemis appears in the mist of battle. Only actually riding in it a few times a week at most. Even a bit would have been enough.. Pandora sabe que ela acaba se envolvendo em vrios problemas divinos, mas a principal questo agora porque os Deuses principalmente o Deus do sol no a deixam em paz?? 'Hey, brother.' she replied walking over to him. Cross Country Trips and Gold Smoke Monsters - Le Before any of them could speak, a paper materialized out of thin air and appeared in Athenas hand. She was glad to see that the huntresses had thought to use the spare cot they always carried, setting it up so that his head would be near her feet. I had already been sealed inside my launch tube, powerless to do anything to stop it except beat on the . Or maybe we could, ya know, read those books and find out. Let's say, it's steady. Artemis (Percy Jackson) Time Travel Dark Poseidon (Percy Jackson) Dark Percy Jackson Dark Apollo (Percy Jackson) Pandora Andrmeda Jackson mais conhecida como prola jackson e Perseus Aquiles Jackson mais conhecido como percy Jackson acabaram se envolvendo em ainda mais problemas Father he.. Apollos voice hitched. Hephaestus and I fixed it, it's as good as new. He felt a smile creep across his face. All the newcomers turned towards a short, elfish looking young demigod, who held out his arms as though asking for a hug, smiling mischievously. By the time they were finished, Apollo was covered in bandages almost head to toe. The hunters of Artemis kept searching. Fanfics / Fanfictions Crossovers de Animais Fantsticos e Onde Habitam e As Provaes de Apolo (The Trials of Apollo) de todos os gneros. You're gonna be okay, Pollo she whispered, trying to calm him down. The Huntress and the Archer cannot be separated, the Wild is their only safe place. (See the end of the work for more notes.). He just couldn't get himself to talk right now. I trust you more than anyone else andi just I know that if he finds me alone hell hurt me and.. Grain Spirits and Secrets - Apollo Also there are only 7 days is a week. I'm a simple nerd. This is literally just a Trials of Apollo reading the books fic. She hated how her family fought. Percy asked when a tall man with bronze skin and blond hair, wearing faded jeans, a simple white t-shirt and trainers, led a group from cabin seven, the Apollo cabin, towards the training grounds. But he did, so she did what any good sister would. Her eyes flashed dangerously and she started to blur around the edges. Apollo laughed, an idiotic grin on his face. Oh gods she needed to find him. Dumpsters, Mortality, and Thugs - Artemis After he regained his seat, Artemis brought him back to her camp, Artemis spoke to Thalia telepathically. Thalia went to fetch Artemis. Apollo had changed. Laughter of a certain sun god. Zeus raised his master bolt, Artemis felt no fear. It was terrifying how helpless I felt. He melted into her arms. As though responding to this, another bright flash came and left just as quickly. The Fates did say it was about those two new people. He does seem to have a lot of your own qualities.. Artemis caused the tides to rise. Anyone could see that the sun god had some serious emotional bullshit going on. She pulled him over to her again, gentler this time. Imagine the worst physical pain you have ever felt. Okay. Thalia, I need you to prepare a cot in my tent. It had been so long since he had been hurt like this. She knew Apollo wouldn't want to reform. Y.. You came he murmured, his voice shook. "Phoebe Artemis, daughter of Zeus and Leto, twin of Phoebus Apollo, you will be known as goddess of the hunt, the moon, archery, of the tree groves, wilds animals, the lakes, childbirth, protectress of children, goddess of the dawn, healing and protection, maiden dances and hymns, and maidenhood. I turned to face Apollo. Just blinding agony. Everything was fine now, oh wait not really. Apollo pulled his legs to his chest, tears collecting in his eyes. She just wanted to protect him from Father. While Thalia got in trouble by Lady Artemis for letting him go. Whenever I feel sad you just want to coddle me. Most of apollo's visits were because he was distressed, but Sometimes he came just because he felt like it, those times they realised was the closest they had seen him to his old self in ages. He seemed to realize after a moment, as his cheeks flushed, but he was still smiling. His hands were shaking so badly he was afraid he would drop the glass. They didn't offend me! He just sat there staring at her, looking more terrified than before. The Jackson Residence - Hermes In this true account, it is told how a pair of eternally spiritually linked twins among the beyond above super-divine GUS177R5HNs screw the jerk-ass gods for their wrongdoings both figuratively and literally.