But if some Christians decide a little S&M is good for them? You have also obviously been influenced by kinky secular culture, such as books and films that promote S&M. Eph 5:22 Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. I Hate that Thing: The Loop Seriously, Lone, as our gracious hostess notes, there are many disagreements on this site, which is why this thread has over 100 comments. I do not agree with your philosophies and fixes, but I feel no drive or desire to label you as mentally sick. Guide to Implementing Christian Domestic Discipline Which only shows exactly where your heart and mind are at. Dont just say my position is not Biblical, argue it, prove it from scripture, of course. Did Lone Voice respond if it is a man or a woman? Needless to say, I have never tested my husband again. As a right wing, social conservative, I disagree with most secular left wing feminism. I am a submissive wife but do not always submit. I got support from friends and it was only when I opened up to them that they helped me see it was wrong. Enjoy each others smug, judgmental company. And the thought of a Pentecostal being in to kinky, spanking fetishes is hilarious. Im not a 15 year old kid still living under my fathers and mothers authority. You are going to have to move to a place of forgiveness.. In, the language of our marriage, in referring to this lifestyle choice, I tell my husand that I love being his baby. 13 For Adam was first formed, then Eve. He warned me many times and told me to stop or I would regret it. You can get in my face and scream it, and it still wont be a proof. He/she was saying that men truly working with the wisdom of God understand everything, both Gods justice, and the theories of their counterparts, rather than only understanding their own theories and thinking that everybody else is a fool (like you do). 1Cor 11:3 But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God. For, right now most people in this thread seem to be in a bubble of self-righteousness that tends to look ridiculous from the outside, especially when the scientists obviously know nothing about the object of their analysis. 2. Trouble is, he will not be able to help himself. It took a long time for me to have the strength to leave him. And there goes the bitter card. If they divorced or left their husbands, they had no means of financial support. Lydia00, Eph 5:21 does not contradict what follows., I agree. Just asserting over and over that I am interpreting the Scriptures in error, just as the Pharisees did is not a proof. How do you feel about men that have a fetish to be demeaned and abused in the bedroom by women? You are free to live this lifestyle. We had a post on this a while ago in some marriages, yes. [redacted] said Jamin has used pornography as a means of punishment towards [redacted]. As that is what it really boils down to. What do you mean by Feminist site? There is plenty of information out there, why dont you do your research instead of spreading intolerance and hatry. The first thing we were told was a regularly scheduled spanking, and maintenance spanking, was needed, and it should be daily in the beginning. Michael is worried sick over his wife's whereabouts, and he's determined to put a stop to her irresponsible behavior. Gods judgments from Gen 3:14 3:17 set matters straight, and gave the man more work into the bargain. A Husbands Guide to Implementing Christian Domestic Discipline. They first have a conversation about Domestic Discipline. Why are saddle-wearing men seen as free agents, capable of free thought, in direction of their own life? Male headship is followed all over the world. Most of these husbands never believed their wives would ever accept CDD, but today the majority of their wives do. Gen 2:18 And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him. All of that IS ok? It isnt called getting hit. It is almost enough to make me hope that the doctrine of eternal conscious punishment is true, at least for some whose evil actions in this life are especially egregious. No this is not like the playground bully. One of our problems was that Ben wanted to go to his church, where they didnt believe in CDD, so we had no support system, but my pastor told me that I had to be submissive and that God would work all out in the end. It didnt impress Jesus. Even praying to be able to forgive is a start. WebThen I went to college and met my husband James, and became a Christian. However,his spanking wasalways controlledwhichmust have made it all the more confusing to Lauren. With regards to this new craziness, deepen your research and you will find that it was very common for men to spank their wives, to the point that archives of advertising campaigns referring to this then cultural norm can easily be found online. It was there that I met Christ and started down my path to happiness. . Especially when you factor in that they are free to leave these relationships anytime. As a society have always restricted what two consenting adults can do. This subject makes me sick. Here are some tidbits of the arrest report: [redacted] told me Jamin has a couple of different hunting rifles, a couple of shot guns, a Glock pistol and another silver pistol. There might be an Ok, you know I want these things done and all week you have slacked off, you have until tomorrow (or tonight or whatever) and I will remind you if I have to, but he has never had to. Christian Domestic Discipline Spiritual Sounding Board Its a logical progression. Click on the image at the top or you can click here to go BGRLearning.com to subscribe and listen to this series as well as hundreds of other biblical gender roles related podcasts. Daisy: I dont have issues with men. Then in your next paragraph: Men are not the loving protectors that some claim that they should be Er This same pastor also told husbands to get control of their wives. I Hate that Thing: The Loop Please, please, JA and Serving, do not receive this comment as condemnation, or even as criticism. Jesus said to the Pharisees, He is refusing to let her seek treatment for her current injuries nor let her use pain relievers, ice-packs etc. And people, please take seriously my point about not thinking of other folk when you are in bed. Yet you call yourself a child. But the Pastor wouldnt agree with her that her husband was being too strict. Ben at first thought I was joking, but when I took him to the scripture and showed him, and had my pastor sit him down and teach him about CDD, he saw the light, reluctantly, and agreed to be the HOH of our home. . General: Dont like scripture when it disagrees with your prejudices, you guys, do you? What was your parents response about the spanking? Thats their thing. You see women in an inferior place. I can see from your posts that you have major issues with men, Some men are sexist, selfish, or abusive pigs. 1Tim 2:12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. ), Lone Voice says, I have always made a point of emphasizing how much I love and respect him for being our HOH and not falling into the trap that other men do. Now, I am not condoning what happened to Lauren, because it appears she was not consenting. Biblical Principles Which Determine a WomansWeight, Biblical Principles Which Determine a MansWeight. What a shame men have come along and subverted His purposes for women. One clue to you that your gender role views are un-bilbical is that they only apply to, are often only applied to, middle class, white American married mothers. If adults have the right to spank those who disagree with them, well, I shudder to think of all the spank-fests thatd happen on every count; in every church meeting, every work-place. My head went spinning. Because my Jack is taking the lead. Men ruling over women was a result of the fall, of sin entering humanity it was never Gods intent. You accuse me of accusing. Moreover, consent is tricky in these matters for a simple reason; many will consent to a humiliating or injurious act out of fear of losing their loverbut the Biblical reality is that the person, despite their consent, has just been injured or humiliated. I write about marital discipline in a Christian home at my website spankingyourwife.wordpress.com. This is not some sort of dark movement where people are held in chains in basements. I cant imagine anyone here wants 100pinkapples to suffer from her trauma forever. This 3. When Jamin came home with a new laptop and never mentioned it to her she was trying to keep him accountable. If you actually are a woman, how sad that you are participating in your own second-class status and actually defending it. I thought the periods might have been missing letters for a larger word. Did you get support from friends and family after leaving him? Unforgiveness is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die. I was sternly told by my husband to go to the bathroom because we needed to talk. I bought some lingerie (nothing really scandalous) and wore a pair one night. :o). Christian Domestic Discipline When we protect and defend abused wives, we are also protecting and defending their children and future generations. What I can however say is that what you describe isnt generally speaking the spirit of domestic discipline. My husband and I would be considered rather boring by most people. I understand it from a sexual stand point but to say because it gets your husbands frustration put and women need it so they release their emotions, that sounds like straight abuse. . Jennas Punishment Spanking (Christian Domestic Discipline Marriage #1) During a disagreement, Jenna storms out of the house without telling her husband where she's going. Maybe youve experienced a lot, maybe youve seen a lot, and this experience has lead you to be more emotional than rational and to err on the wrong side of history. She will need to learn some self-control with not crying out, or bite a pillow to keep quiet. My father and his loser ilk liked Christianity because no woman with any self respect would stay married to them once she got to know the real him, have sex with him, or have children with him. Jesus Christ did away with male rulership over women and clarified that women are equals to men. So, the testimonials in THIS VERY THREAD of wives who were shamed and beaten by their husbands are false simply because you declare them so? Its been my observation, at least as Ive observed it in my family, that my of the problems between my parents and between my sister and brother-in-law come when my mom and sister have pushed all of the wrong buttons. They just dont want to be p**s*sy w**pp*d into it. It makes complete sense that someone raised in this culture would extend it to domestic abuse. Period. Guided Wife A blog on my desire to be virtuous and submissive Myself. Daisy, thank you for your usual good work in countering those who, like the satan, abuse and twist Scripturein the present case to justify the abuse of women. Daisy, my comment was actually a response to LV. Thank you, Serving. I know his preferences for what needs to be done & when he says end of discussion, that is it. Anderson stopped Jamin and asked why he would make a statement like that just out of the blue. Would Jesus (bad word) the church against the churches will? Interesting. Later my dad told me that he was glad I have a husband who keeps me in line and that I had better behave if I dont want him to repeat it. Gen 2:23 And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man. his God-given authority and actually lead.. Beyond praying for their victims, and calling the police in instances where we have knowledge of actual abuse, there is nothing we can do or say that will make a difference. Even without saying the word spanking, it would be easy for a husband sitting in a pew to take that kind of teaching and think that a pastor was giving his stamp of approval for wife spanking to get her under control. Domestic Disciplining is consistent with the natural instincts of men and women which is why it has been practiced for so long, and why it will keep coming back over and over whether you like it or not. I wanted to get far away from my vile self worshipping misogynistic Christian father, I never wanted to have sex again or be subject to a man again. Founded in 2010, Thought Catalog is owned and operated by The Thought & Expression Company, Inc. For over a decade, we've been at the bleeding edge of media, pioneering an infrastructure for creatives to flourish both artistically and financially. Christian Domestic Discipline, wife spanking, Christian Patriarchy Movement, Spanking of Adult Children, Denominational Practices and teachings Two summers ago, I received a phone call from a pastor who shared his growing concern about wife-spanking in his family of churches. Send in your testimonials! They are not like traditional couples who improvise a relationship and work it out on the go. This tendency you have to talk about people practicing it as if they were some sort of deranged people or animals inferior to you. The all knowing psychologist above is concerned with a relationship that infantilizes a woman. Me too. Previously I have shown Domestic Discipline to be both a Biblical concept as well as a historical practice amongst husbands for thousands of years on my Instagram page @biblicalsexandiscipline and on my blog Biblicalgenderroles.com as well as podcasts I dont think a Husband has the right to ask his wife to sin.But we are not given the wisdom God gives our husband they are superior to us, we are inferior my Minister teaches us this in our Wives and young girls Bible class Bible class. I dont expect you to see it. Even if I were to make a pledge, my father would have nothing to do with it. I was moving from one bad relationship to another, so she invited me to a prayer group she went to. One wife got spanked because she was slow in getting dinner on the table when her husband came home from work. It is not for you to determine someones path of recovery. This bullying is a means to exploitation, like most bullying. Rock, if you want to read about domestic violence, read about Jamin Wright, a good-ole boy from Doug Wilsons church in Moscow ID. As believers, we arent allowed to dictate to people outside the faith how they should live their lives, or deal with their suffering. Rather, please accept it as simply expressing a differing point of view. He did not stalk me or anything but vowed to constantly pray for me to come to my senses and return. From what I can tell, Jamin remains a member in good standing at Doug Wilsons church. I applaud you for wanting to help her. The truth is, the abuse labelling has less to do with the fact itself than with your opinion on the matter and your decision to condemn it and declare it morally unacceptable. I had my hands up and she walks into me. Jamin was not told about the allegations made against him by [redacted] to me. Its not physically another person, but it is mentally and emotionally. your general philosophies do not do much to help relationships work as is evidenced by the disfunctional state of marriages. Did you go straight from home to marriage without any schooling? christian domestic discipline A History of the Corporal Discipline of Women January 11, 2023 In this third and final part of my three-part series on Christian Domestic Discipline, we explore how the practice of domestic discipline continue through the middle-ages and even into America up until the mid-20th century. Jamin then stated, I swear by anything, I did not grab her throat. We were not married until I turned 19 though. Elijah did not begin by being arrogant, dogmatic, self-congratulating and dismissive (like you have been in this discussion). christian domestic discipline If he is afraid, he can call the cops. 13 For Adam was first formed, then Eve. that. Please be careful if you are easily triggered by topics of abuse. What a heartless bunch. Hi, I read some of these odd comments about the bible, written by men in this case perverted old patriarchs. Jamin said he did not want to touch [redacted] who was still trying to sleep with her head on [redacted] left shoulder and [redacted] was just walking into his hand. If legal action is taken, what measures can be used to make sure it is successful and results is the appropriate penalties rather than a slap on the wrist? This new way has made us loving, more loving than ever before. And isnt transsexuality also ok? Im issuing a trigger warning for this subject. This makes it all more more important for the victim and her supporters to be persistent in calling for help, and politely pressing for the workers and the justice system to do what they can do. In my former church, we were taught by our pastor that civil laws regarding adulthood did not apply when it came to disciplining children in our homes. IMO. Go back to the word (Luke 4:1-13) and see for yourself. The article was popular with over 600 comments. Lydia00, Eph 5:21 does not contradict what follows. How are you doing now? This perception betrays the fact that you are hating what you do not even understand. Christian Oh brother, that was too obvious. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Christian Domestic Discipline / Spencer Respect and Submission in domestic discipline Respect and Submission are of particular importance in a marriage because the standard marriage vows for the bride always included the phrase to love, honor and obey her husband. When we got there he told me that he was fed up with the way I was behaving and I was going to be punished right then. This podcast series is about the practical application of Domestic Discipline. This is your warning. christian domestic discipline A History of the Corporal Discipline of Women January 11, 2023 In this third and final part of my three-part series on Christian Domestic Discipline, we explore how the practice of domestic discipline continue through the middle-ages and even into America up until the mid-20th century. When the man takes charge and makes really good, well-thought-out (and prayed for) decisions, its pretty easy for 2. Homos are gettin married. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Domestic During this time my behavior, and our marriage improved through my daily spanking, but Ben was lacking in giving me spankings when I misbehaved, something I tearfully confessed during one of our meetings. What a heartless bunch. THATS JUST WRONG! Justice is not a consensual relationship. Just chalk it up to your personal preference and call it a day.